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why no one join my lobby if I'm the host ?

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In order for players to join your host, they would first need to NOT be prioritized for matchmaking on the dedicated servers.  I believe the community is currently pointed towards the dedicated boxes first, so when the player count is low, you are not going to see much traffic.


When the player count is higher, like on the weekends, you will probably have a better chance of pulling host on a regular basis.


This would also be compounded by the system you are on (console) and how many players are also on that console, which we do not know as they have eliminated the player counts.

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You'll need to put your radius quite big but don't encompass any dedicated servers. Strict on, PA 0. You should be able to force a P2P game though search times will be longer as the game prefers to put you on dedicated servers.


You have plenty of bandwidth to host a game so that won't be the issue.

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