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NetDuma - router works, software doesn't...

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Hi there,


I received my NetDuma a couple of days ago and spent today rebuilding my network to accommodate it in this configuration -


Modem > R1 > AirPort Extreme > Ethernet + Wifi.


The R1 is playing friendly with an Apple Airport Extreme and Apple Airport Express (both in Bridged Mode). Wifi remains on the Airports and all IPs have been transferred over to the NetDuma's DHCP or set to Static 192.168.88.XXX addresses.


That's all fine and dandy - DHCP is assigning all IPs correctly. Ethernet and Wifi devices can access the interwebs. Joy.


PPPOE is working via the R1.

DHCP on the R1 is set to to 200.

UPnP is enabled.

R1's Wifi is disabled.

Everything else on the R1 is plain-vanilla. Firmware is at V1.03.2


Now for the problems...


The R1, after initially seeing 17 devices in Device Manager and seemingly working, now sees exactly zero of them. I can see all devices on the LAN using iNet Network Toolbox on the Mac. I can also find supported SNMP and UPnP devices using PeakHour 3.


I can still see all previously connected devices listed in R1's DHCP Lease. But there's nothing in Host Filtering, Congestion Control, VPN, Network Monitor or Device Monitor...nothing at all. The pages load, so the lights are on, but no-one's home.


Host Filtering just sits there thinking (animated loading gif).

So does Congestion Control.

Network Monitor has no devices listed.

No devices listed in Device Manager either, whereas I could previously see everything on the LAN. Clicking "Edit" in Device Manager also does nothing.

I haven't played a PC game yet, so Host Analysis has nothing there. Otherwise, looks fine.

VPN is not connected to the R1, but again, it just sits there thinking (animated loading gif).

Ping Diagnostics works...w00t.


I have Intego installed on the Mac, turning the firewall off makes no difference. Nor does changing web browsers.


As a router, the R1 is doing the job. I can access the internet and all LAN devices. It's just that none of the R1 software is working, which makes the whole endeavour kinda pointless. It did work, but an hour or two later and it doesn't. Rebooting all network devices, including the R1, makes no difference.


Little help?!? As of now, I have a machine that goes Ping, but little else :sadpanda:

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Easiest test would be to upgrade to latest firmware, assuming you are not already, (link in news and announcements board - I'm on phone so sorry I can link) and factory reset.


You sound like know your computers and networking, but if it was working then something in the setup has gone wrong. I'd go back to square one and go again if it was me but you may not fancy it!


If you'd rather troubleshoot from were you are then I'll the Netduma guys come in and help. But just a heads up, they were out last night for various functions so could really be Monday or late today before you see them. Also it's only 7am here in UK! :)

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Try a different browser ( chrome or firefox) to rule that out , bit of advice use the duma's wifi or you will lose out on congestion control , which defeats the object if you have more than one person on the network

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I'm on the latest firmware. I've tried a multitude of browsers on an iMac, MacBook Pro and PC...same shit, different bucket.


I'm happy with the performance of Airport Extreme / Express Wifi - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I also doubt the R1 has the range I need to cover the entire house. AFAIK, Airports won't extend a non-Apple Wifi network.


I'm not concerned about Congestion Control for Wifi - most of my gaming happens when the wife and kids have gone to bed and there's no wireless activity at that time. Only the MacBook, iPhones and iPads are wireless. Everything else is on gigabit ethernet and I can use the R1's CC to manage them, assuming I can get it working.


Factory reset looks like the plan of action. The only change I've made to the working setup has been to upgrade the R1's firmware. That said, I *think* Device Manager was working fine post-upgrade, but has since dropped the ball.

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Factory reset worked. Forest, meet tree.


I should also add that I setup a roaming Wifi network (in Apple terminology), enabled Wifi in R1 and all wireless devices are now managed by the R1.


Oddly, they detect as wired - I'm guessing the R1 sees them that way because they're connected to the AirPorts instead of the R1's Wifi. Not a problem in any case.


[edit] Changing the AirPort > Internet > Internet Options > Enable IPv6 Connection Sharing makes the wireless devices appear wireless. Interesting, if ultimately useless information ;)

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Ok, it's just died again. I was viewing Device Manager and adding descriptions to "unnamed" devices. I turned on my Yamaha receiver to see if it popped up on the device list and the R1 software has crashed, for want of a better term.


The Help Tour decided to initialise itself and none of the aforementioned sections are working - Host Filtering, Congestion Control, VPN, Network Monitor, Device Manager.


Router Reboot didn't help. Looks like another Factory Reset is in order. More worryingly, looks like there's a gremlin in the system. 

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"Upgrade failed: Firmware is already installed. with exitcode 1". That said, it's back up and running. Not sure for how long. Confidence waning...


To confirm, everything on the R1 is plain-vanilla, out-of-the-box except -

1. Wifi - Security Mode (WPA-PSK2), SSID and Passphrase.
2. WAN - PPPOE enabled, User and Pass.

3. Firmware upgraded to 1.03.2


Also, changing Time never sticks. It's always GMT, despite syncing it to the system clock at GMT+10.

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Babow...the issue can be replicated.


It occurs when renaming devices in Device Manager. There's no rhyme or reason, it seems to happen randomly.


The last time I triggered it by renaming Playstation 4 to PlayStation 4. The previous time I deleted the dashes out of Office-Apple-TV.


It's a bit of a problem because most devices are picked up as "unnamed", which makes it kinda hard to figure out what's what. The R1 chokes, then all other functionality takes a dump until a Factory Reset is performed.


This time around, I've been conservative in the Device Manager, so everything seems to be working, with one exception. Network Monitor can see all devices, but there's no monitoring...both graphs for Upload and Download are stuck at 0.00% and won't budge.

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Guest Netduma Luke

This is a very unusual issue. Iain, our lead developer will able to support once he's available.


Could you confirm that you managed to upgrade to 1.03.2 successfully?

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Guest Netduma Luke

Thanks for the reply Luke.


Yep, I upgraded to 1.03.2.


Great - thanks for confirming. We'll take a look at this asap.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi anti,


sorry for the delay, there is quite a lot of information here. So lets go back to basics and figure out whati is setup incorrectly


Firstly can you connect a device via ethernet cable only on the R1. When you use it does it appear on the device manager and can you see it on the network monitor? I would recommend using your xbox/ps and see if geo-filtering works directly through ethernet cable.

If so there we know its the apple router thats not playing nice and we can figure out what settings we need to do to get it up and running :)

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Both AirPorts are in bridged mode, only serve a handful of wireless clients and assign their IPs via the R1's DHCP. All other devices (about 30) are connected via gigabit ethernet to the R1 by Asus switches.


I've just performed another Factory Reset to test Network Monitor and it is working again. Everything on the R1 is vanilla, except the PPPOE connection.


To confirm if the AirPorts are playing friendly with the R1...


1. If the AirPort Extreme is wirelessly connected to the LAN, though disconnected from the R1's ethernet, my location appears to be West Coast USA rather than East Coast Australia. Time is GMT instead of GMT+10 and changing it won't stick.


2. The same thing happens if the Extreme's WAN port is connected to the R1's ethernet ports, but I've already eliminated that scenario.


3. If the AirPort Extreme is powered off and all ethernet devices remain plugged into the R1 (a more realistic use case), my geo-filter location correctly points to Australia. By default, time is still GMT. It sticks to GMT+10 when updated, but only lasts 5 mins or so before reverting to GMT. Small potatoes.


4. In all cases, the AirPort Express is on and all wireless devices within range can access the web. There seems to be no causal relationship with the Express. Nor is there any serious impact by removing the Extreme as most wireless devices are covered by the Express most of the time.


So it looks like you're right - even though it's in bridged mode, the AirPort Extreme is digging its hooks into the R1 somewhere, despite being disconnected from the R1's ethernet ports.


Strictly speaking, I don't need the Extreme in the mix, assuming the R1's Wifi range is ok in the zone covered by the Extreme. I'd like to use the Extreme because it's a rock-solid unit, but in reality, I bought the R1 to replace the Extreme as the primary router, so I can live without it.


Thanks for your help, much appreciated. I'll leave the Extreme off and see if I can trip the R1 up again. I had 26 devices listed in Device Monitor of about 35-ish in the house when Network Monitor stopped working.


There are currently 19 devices connected to the R1 - I've renamed where applicable and all functionality is powering on. Confidence is restored and I can start tinkering with my new toy :awesome:


PS - the forum needs more :awesome: emoticons :shakefist:

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok awesome man, if you want to try figure out why the airport stops working let me know and we can investigate.


By the way we do have emoticons  :D  just not very many 

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Ok awesome man, if you want to try figure out why the airport stops working let me know and we can investigate.


By the way we do have emoticons  :D  just not very many


7 hours later and the R1 is going strong. No problems to report.


The AirPort Extreme works perfectly. It's what it does to the R1 that is bothersome.


Now I know what's going on, I can manipulate some of the AirPort's settings to try to isolate the trigger. Not sure what it could be...nothing is out of the ordinary.


This is weird because I am using Apple airports to boost the Wifi and have never had an issue like this - from what I have seen we have set them up the same as well.


I don't understand it either given the AirPort Extreme is in bridged mode. But there's definitely something interfering with the R1. The Geofilter placing me near (relatively speaking) Cupertino is somewhat concerning :spooky:


The AirPort Express is behaving itself with the R1. Worst case scenario - I buy another to boost the wireless where the Extreme was located.

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Another day, another ball-ache.


I completely unplugged both the AirPort Extreme and Express and the same Network Monitor problem is occurring. I changed the DHCP Lease Time from 12 Hours to 1 Week to try to resolve a VoIP phone failing to register at the provider, so maybe related.


Following the Network Monitor choking, I did a Factory Reset and despite being the only router on the LAN, the R1's Geofilter placed me in West Coast USA again.


I'm also getting an "Interface wan not found" message when applying the PPPOE settings, though all devices can access the web, so I doubt it's an issue.


After a power cycle, the R1 seems to be back on-track and is correctly showing my location in Geofilter again. WAN interface error persists. VoIP phone is working again. AirPort Express is back on and working fine.


Is there any way to force a firmware update to over-write 1.03.2 to rule out a dud flash? I've attempted it previously - "Upgrade failed: Firmware is already installed. with exitcode 1"

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Guest Netduma_Iain

No please don't do that, it causes way more problems than its worth.


Firstly, ignore the guessed location of your home. Most of the time its just defaulting to certain locations. It really doesn't make a difference to how the router performs. There is no such thing as a bad flash, if it was your router would not even boot up. So that is certainly not it.


modem <-> r1(pppoe) <-> airport extreme <-> all wifi devices


To get to the bottom fo it. We need to know what exactly happens. But please keep it short and simple no point speculating. What actually happens. If I've read correctly I believe it is:

  • The devices are STILL connected to the Internet
  • You do NOT see ANYTHING on the network monitor on the R1 while they are using the Internet


is that correct?

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modem <-> r1(pppoe) <-> airport extreme <-> all wifi devices

Modem <-> R1 <-> Ethernet / Wifi <-> AirPort Express (ethernet to R1 via Asus switch) <-> Wifi


AirPort Extreme has been removed.

Express extends the R1's Wifi via roaming network - SSID, Passphrase and Bandwidth are the same on both devices.

50/50 wireless device split between R1 and Express, depending on location in house.

Makes no difference if Express is turned off, except for no Wifi signal where it's most needed.


To get to the bottom fo it. We need to know what exactly happens. But please keep it short and simple no point speculating. What actually happens. If I've read correctly I believe it is:

  • The devices are STILL connected to the Internet
  • You do NOT see ANYTHING on the network monitor on the R1 while they are using the Internet
is that correct?


Current status -


1. All networked devices are listed in Network Monitor. Graphs randomly stop and report static values for Up and Down, e.g at the moment they're reporting 35% Down and 37.83% Up, but there's no refresh updates, nor graphs drawn.


Several other times, Up / Down sits at 0% and no graphs. A reboot / restore sorts it out.


2. "Interface wan is not found" still reports when Apply is clicked in Settings > WAN. All devices can access the internet. I'm connecting to the net via a Draytek Vigor 120 in bridged mode.


3. Oddly, after clicking Apply in Settings > WAN, my Network Monitor graphs are working again. I've checked Network Monitor in Safari, Firefox and Chrome on OS X 10.10.3 and the behaviour is consistent - no graphs > click Apply in WAN > graphs are back.


4. Host Filtering reports correct location.


5. Changing Time doesn't stick.


I've done nothing to any other settings since the last reboot, though I would like to rename all "unnamed device" and "nameless device" in Device Monitor.

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