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Feature Request: limit upload/download to specific speeds for specific devices

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Hello all,


I'd like the ability to throttle the bandwidth for just my PS4.  For instance, limit upload to 100kbps and download to 3mbps.


I can do this now with the sliders but then all of my devices are limited to these speeds.  If I use the prioritisation scale, I have to uncheck "Share Excess" which I don't want to do.  That again, limits other devices on the network and can potentially block new devices from getting on.


Also, the two above options don't allow me to accurately specify the bandwidth.  I'm practically going by trial and error to get close to the bandwidth I desire and I'm not sure that even if I get it right today that I will get the same speeds tomorrow.


My verizon router allowed for me to do this, granted it was very confusing and difficult but I would think the Netduma router would be perfect for this.  Especially considering what we are trying to do.


I'm begging for this to be a part of the next update!!  


Thank you!


Prioritisation Prioritisation Prioritisation
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I was just thinking about this earlier, need to set a fixed limit for my Xbox (too much bandwidth seems to mess things up on BO3 for me) and then let everything else share the excess

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Looking at it again, it would be even cooler if you could click on the numbered circle for each device in upload and download respectively and type in the specific bandwidth for any device. That would probably be a ton more work but would make the Duma that much more versatile.


You could even opt devices out of the "share excess"! I have three set top boxes showing up and I leave them at "1" but would love to lock them out at 1 or less. Right now I don't know what they do to bandwidth when share excess is on. That's just the stb's. I have a home automation device that doesn't need heavy bandwidth among other devices.

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