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vpn help

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Hello Can anyone explain how to enter and find the login and pasword to vpn, bought airvpn and do not know what where and where vpn log, installed vpn on your computer and do not know if playstation must be clamped on the cable to a computer or have a vpn connect the netduma

I'm sorry translator google


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Hey, you need to obtain the config files from AirVPN so you can use it with the advanced section of the VPN feature.


If you post the config files here we can help out with getting it to work with the router :)

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geo-filter tripped, I can enter BF4 servers, but it is the next problem I have terrible lag, and I have a message from Roter netduma firewal blocking ping, I have a screenshot, but do not know where to add

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Are you using the VPN on the console itself as that will add latency. Ensure you choose the closest VPN server. 


Reply using more reply options, then you have the option to attach a file.


For the ping issue follow http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_can_t_i_pingbut it may be the VPN itself preventing the ping.

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