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Netduma R1 Set up with EE

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Just got a netduma R1 & been reading various posts & watching videos but still couldn't find exactly what I wanted to know so support suggested I post in here.


I'm a UK customer with EE & have a brightbox 2 (incidently have had no end of probs with EEs broadband). I'm on fibre optic (supposedly 38megs) and want to improve the lag on black ops 3.


Couldn't find a modem mode so just turned wifi off in router settings on Brightbox. Someone said change Dmz settings to that of the R1 but several numbers were shaded out in EE administration page so couldn't do that. In the end I just left it with wifi turned off. Will this be enough?


Then I just want some guidance on what are the generally the best settings for BOPs 3 as I've read conflicting advice.


Hope someone can help.


Many thanks in advance.



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Just got a netduma R1 & been reading various posts & watching videos but still couldn't find exactly what I wanted to know so support suggested I post in here.


I'm a UK customer with EE & have a brightbox 2 (incidently have had no end of probs with EEs broadband). I'm on fibre optic (supposedly 38megs) and want to improve the lag on black ops 3.


Couldn't find a modem mode so just turned wifi off in router settings on Brightbox. Someone said change Dmz settings to that of the R1 but several numbers were shaded out in EE administration page so couldn't do that. In the end I just left it with wifi turned off. Will this be enough?


Then I just want some guidance on what are the generally the best settings for BOPs 3 as I've read conflicting advice.


Hope someone can help.


Many thanks in advance.




Go into Miscellaneous Settings on the R1 and check the box that says UPNP Forwarding and that should open up the ports on the ISP's router... Although I'm not familiar with that modem/router.

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Hey, welcome to the forum! 


You should be able to set up DMZ easily by following this https://ee.co.uk/help/phones-and-device/home-broadband/bright-box-2-wireless-router/bright-box-2-advanced-user-guides/bright-box-2-wireless-router-firewall-features#8just input the WAN IP shown on the duma device manager :)


Regarding settings, input your speeds and let it auto set up for you. Then use one of the CoD profiles and you should be good go to start with. Can also put your console in hyper traffic :)

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I've updated DMZ. I inputted speeds but once it had finished it just had a pop up saying 'warning' and to click 'OK'. Is that normal??


Is that now set up automatically?


I've loaded the generic CoD profile so will try that.


How do I put console into hyper traffic?


Many thanks.

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I've think I've done everything you said. Hoat filtering seems to work. I'm a bit worried though that have just run a speed test from my wired ps4 and download has gone down to 4.8mbps and upload 5.2.


Seems very low.


I don't have the default dns etc set up on ps4 as changed them as streaming kept buffering. Could this affect it??

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That warning after setting speeds is nothing to worry about. 


Yes it's set up for speeds.


Hyper traffic is at the bottom of the congestion control page, add a device like you would with host filtering.


Console speed tests are usually inaccurate but you have plenty for gaming. No you can change the DNS without issue :)

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