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Dedicated server


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Hi all just after some info on connecting to a dedicated server that's 350km away from me which looks like somewhere in either Denmark or Germany, now i have strict mode on and if i bring the filter distance from europe to just the UK with a very short filter distance, i then ping to America host, is this because that not connecting to euro server so will just auto ping to America? i just wanted to be able to connect to the shorted distance host closer then the 350km away one if possible? id be greatful if someone can help with this thanks.

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  • Netduma Staff

Do you mean autoping is pinging the american host? You could move your home location if you want to be able to avoid the dedicated server. I'm not sure I fully understood our question though and what you wanted to know :)

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I have auto ping on, everytime i jump in to a game of aw it automatically pings to this dedicated server that is 350km away sometimes outside the filter, i have brought my filter in say 229km so it wont ping beyond the UK and it then started to say the host was 7700km away, ran a trace and was in America this keeps happening, i am on the latest software 

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  • Netduma Staff

I have auto ping on, everytime i jump in to a game of aw it automatically pings to this dedicated server that is 350km away sometimes outside the filter, i have brought my filter in say 229km so it wont ping beyond the UK and it then started to say the host was 7700km away, ran a trace and was in America this keeps happening, i am on the latest software 


Please can you take a screen shot of the top of the GeoFilter page.

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  • Netduma Staff

Ok, so is this a server you are connecting to in a game which is outside of your GeoFilter range?


Try going to Settings >> Miscellaneous and clicking apply under cloud settings. (I think I saw somewhere that it can fix problems like this) :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Just been in chat with Shakermaker and seam to have solved the problem.


The issue was:


 -Searching for a game would connect him to hosts way outside of his GeoFilter range. The GeoFilter appeared to be doing nothing. It defiantly wasn't ping assist because it was the normal symbol. It was a server that he kept connecting to (ID: c1a81de84560383d if it matters).


Things that we attempted and didn't work:


 -Tried applying cloud settings again.

 -Disabled auto-cloud and went back a few cloud versions. 

 -Disabling then re-enabling the device on the GeoFilter.




Like a bad scientist, I did two things on his router, either roof which could have fixed the issue.

 -1) Disabled Bleeding edge cloud

 -2) Restarted the router.


I think its probably the router restart that fixed the issue in this case (restarts usually fix things like this :)




The issue then happened again afterwards with an EU server, he was connecting to one 80km outside of his range (not a lot). This was because of the anti cheat feature.


Looks like it is all sorted.

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would like to thank Crossy for all his help and learnt a few things from him as well, i am pinging to a local host say around 78km away from me when i start a game on AW, as i get in to the game it then jumps from that host then pings to America maybe to a dedicated server over 7700km, or to europe one that is 450km away from me, anyone know why it jumps from a local to this?

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would like to thank Crossy for all his help and learnt a few things from him as well, i am pinging to a local host say around 78km away from me when i start a game on AW, as i get in to the game it then jumps from that host then pings to America maybe to a dedicated server over 7700km, or to europe one that is 450km away from me, anyone know why it jumps from a local to this?

What's the ping asisst set too?all I do now days is set my geo filter how ever big I want the search radius turn ping assist to 0 so it's off and keep strict mode on this way allways play on them local dedis

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would like to thank Crossy for all his help and learnt a few things from him as well, i am pinging to a local host say around 78km away from me when i start a game on AW, as i get in to the game it then jumps from that host then pings to America maybe to a dedicated server over 7700km, or to europe one that is 450km away from me, anyone know why it jumps from a local to this?


You need to stop focusing on the distance / server location. Servers can be mislocated which will skew the results.


What is your ping assist set to and the ping of the servers you are getting in to?

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  • Netduma Staff

The one in the US you were connecting to is misslocated, you were pinging 20ms to it. I have put that server int the correction thread in "The Coal Mine".


Just to check, are the issues that you were having before happening again now? - BTW guys, when he was having the issue before, it definitely wasn't PA, could be now though :)


The reason it pings a different server is because you have auto ping on, but I assume this isn't what you meant. Is the GeoFilter allowing you to connect hosts that are outside of its range again?

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Thanks for the replay guys, just been doing some more testing the dedicated server in the US i keep connecting to is miss located like u say Crossy cause the ping can not be around 25ms and the same applies to the euro dedi as well, this is frustrating but also notice that im getting alot of nuke symbols that are far away from me that are connecting fro outside the geo filter


Buds/Benormous/Vincho31- i have been playing around with my ping assist it is at 25ms atm i get kicked a fair amount but do get games, i have raised it as well

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  • Netduma Staff

Even if it is mislocated, you still shouldn't be connecting to it if it outside of your GeoFilter. Is it doing what it was doing last time or is it ping assist that is connecting you to it now?

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Yeah some reason still doing the same but not sure if it's ping assist that's doing it? the ping graph sometimes cannot display the ping don't know why it comes up then disappears and then comes back and so on

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  • Netduma Staff

If it disappears then comes back that is just the Autping switching the server it is pinging to or something like that.


You will know if it is ping assist because it will look like a nuke symbol. You can see what all the symbols mean here.

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  • Netduma Staff

Ok cool, yes for the dedi server it's the sparkly symbol i always connect to 450km and also there are nuke symbols outside the geo filter distance that connect to


If its sparkly, it means you have rated it which means it is not a Dedicated server. You can unrated by clicking it, brining it down to 0% then clicking update :)

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