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  • Netduma Staff

sorry about my original topic anyway lag in game is not my problem here , since the update my internet browser lags when changing setting etc , anyone else have this problem


What page is this on? Is it the GeoFilter page? Also what browser are you using?


I use Safari and the GeoFilter page is extremely laggy for me. I use chrome instead to access the R1 Dashboard.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Tried chrome it's just very slow all around , example the geo slider lags so much almost a second or two and then your find yourself overcompensating


In that instance are you clicking on the bar? You can click and hold the label and drag up and down which is a lot smoother.

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since the update I notice that the enable/disable button doesn't update after I press it. It does work but the image doesn't refresh and change unless I hit f5.

On Chrome

Just reporting that I experience the same thing as quoted, and I use the latest Chrome.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Elikenui: Sometimes its a bit slow, can you click enable/disable and wait a few seconds.


Everyone that is having the issues are you computers a little old by any chance? The new map is very detailed and maybe causing the problem. If so I'll have to provide a way to reduce detail in the next version. 

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