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Ps4 router doesn't support IP packet fragmentation and bo3 trouble

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Getting really slow speeds on ps4 lately, I my MTU ideal settings are 1492, but when I put that on my router and ps4 it still says router doesn't support IP packet fragmentation. I can put it to 1472 or 1440, no matter how low I go it does the same thing, does MTU even work on the Duma? This would be a issue beside that this morning I got a 70 plus gameplay on BO3, now I can't even go positive and you can tell theirs a huge difference in connection with everyone else. Im on .6 and been have tried numerous settings. It's not my ISP cause I hard wired into modem and was getting 60 down and 6 up. This is a rant, but if someone has better news on something that might work, pls let me know.

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no this is a long documented and still unresolved issue.  we have 2 ps4's in our house and regularly find one or the other or both will give an ip packet fragmentation issue for no reason.  if you run the test again it will often "clear" the issue but if you just keep running the connection test it will alternate between ip packet frag issue and no issues.


MTU on auto or with different numbers across all connected devices has little to know effect on the random ip packet frag issue.  i've come to the conclusion the ps4 is absolute junk at NAT etc as regardless of settings it will throw up issues randomly then say its fine next test with nothing changed.  


the big issue is no one will take responsibility as ps4 support seem to be masters at doing sweet fa basically lol

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There has been lots of talk about that issue with no real issue online. 


I would leave your MTU on auto on both the duma and PS4. Make sure you're connecting via wire with automatic network settings. You do not need very high speeds for gaming so it's likely whatever speed it's showing is plenty, the test can be fairly inaccurate as well.

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