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Increased Lag after 1.3.2 in AW or just me?


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I was running 1.2.7 for about a month before upgrading to 1.3.2 and since i've update i have noticed increased lag and feel in gameplay in AW that isn't represented in the ping.  I'm getting good ping 25-40ms but something is defiantly different, watching kill cams i have noticed in some cases i haven't even fired.  I tired turning auto ping off and still no go.  Has anyone else been experiencing this as i said i was all good on 1.2.7 didn't even need to open up the panel it was just working.

Can i downgrade just by updating to 1.2.7 just to fact check to see if the problem still remains. Will this cause problems?

I also run a private match with bots at 150% to hone my aim and previously there was little difference between that and online in the way of hit detection, but now I notice a considerable different. 

It was very hard to put my finger on i thought i was just sucking more than usual for the last week but today i notice players teleporting and started watching kill cams.


Is it just me, am i going crazy?  Any help would be appreciated.




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A fellow Aussie Melbournite :)


Downgrading is not advised, Iain himself said this.


It's Advanced Warfare, just over a week ago they applied an update and it did some damage with the netcode (more than usual).

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi audiounit,


You can't downgrade I'm afraid.


Also in terms of functionality 1.2.7 is identical to 1.03.2, most of the changes were superficial and didn't change the way the router operates. For example autoping has nothing to do with filtering its only a way of presenting the information.


If you need support with mitigating lag please read this carefully mate: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructions



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mmmm, A7 is probably right my ping seems ok, but there is defiantly lag that wasn't there 2 weeks ago especially when you opponent is teleporting every 3 feet and kill cam shows a different scenario its just so frustrating.  Maybe it was coincidental that the 1.3.2 update happened as the lag increased, and a wrong assumption of the cause on my behalf.  Here are my screen shots anyway, no harm in getting it checked.


I hope it something easy, because the game has reverted to its previously frustrating state.  I don't like getting owned but I can accept it if its because i suck and my opponent is better. fingers crossed.






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Hi audiounit, I play AW pretty much every day. It's all I play on the PS4 and I can understand exactly where you are coming from.

Most of the time since getting R1 set up and working well I have been getting great games and having a blast.

Maybe 1-2 games out of 10 I will have an issue with but all I do in those cases is back out of the lobby and wait a couple of minutes before trying again and this usually solves the problem.

The killcams on COD are simply a graphical depiction of what happened and do not really show what exactly happened so I would just use them as a method of seeing where the camping little thing was hiding.

I have also found with this incarnation of the game that at times I will be godly out of the gate mowing down everything in my path and then as if a switch is pressed I can't hit a damned thing. The reverse also happens at times and so I generally stay in a game to the end to see if it swings back my way.

After 4-5 games if I am still having no joy like on Monday night I just switch it off and try the following day.

I'm afraid it's the game more than anything else in my experience.

This is just my experience form the UK

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I looks as though he has both Xbox One and Playstation Game Services enabled.  Could this be adding to the problem?

I have the same and it doesn't effect me. I've tried disabling one whilst using the other and it made no difference.


I think it matters more his 3rd service although says "PC" uses he XBL service also, then he should disable that if gaming on the XB1, good work picking up on that. :)

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Yeah, i have that disabled because there is no option to remove device "unless I'm missing something?" once you have added it.  I used to have PA + standard geo restriction when we where testing the ping assist feature just in case there where problems so i could switch back if needed.  After the update it changed them both Xbox One to PA I changed it to the WinPC because i know there is no xbox live on there and disabled it.  


I thought it was disabled but maybe this caused a problem?


I haven't tried strict yet i will defiantly give that a crack in the morning.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Audiounit,


Its ok to have them both enabled. The only things that jump out to me are:

  • You need strict mode ticked
  • The packet loss in the Internet Diagnosis check

Otherwise you're ping is literally the optimum, so that is good.


Can you try running Internet Diagnosis maybe 10-15 times throughout the day. Let me know what the top of the result is each time. From there I can assist further :) 

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Its the game servers.  Not sure what console you play on but Xbox has been having issues since the release of the DLC.  Every DLC they release things get a bit quirky.  As for PS, they just released the DLC so that's why things might be messed up there as well.  Plus on the Xbox side, mostly all connections has been running  Dedi servers so I think that's where the bottleneck is.  I too have the PS4, but honestly, only my son plays on that network.  I haven't heard any complaints yet.   

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Putting strict on improved thing's hit detection is better still doing the screen cap's and ping captures for the day, as Ian asked.  There is still defiantly something funky going on though, probably not duma's fault considering how much problems AW is causing.  What does strict mode do exactly? I've never had it enabled until now.  A7 do you have the DLC do you find it hard to get a lobby on the DLC maps? Mind sharing your geo setting as a fellow melbournian.

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A7 do you have the DLC do you find it hard to get a lobby on the DLC maps? Mind sharing your geo setting as a fellow melbournian.


I have the DLC maps, finding a game is a little more time consuming than the normal rotation but I'm set to 1065KM's.


See, the dedicated servers are in Adelaide, so you need to have the geo-filter cover it, don't rely on the Ping Assist to put you in it.

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Nice, clicking strict defiantly helped, might narrow my km's next.  Not quite a 7 but defiantly back in the positive today and gaining the ground lost in the last week, my bullets are hitting there targets now not going through ghosts.  Things are defiantly looking better.  


Almost can't believe ticking that made such a difference, as i said the ping is the same as it was yesterday 25-35 but there is a noticeable improvement.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Great glad to hear it. Strict just means everything is filtered with it off, dedicated servers are not filtered.


Are you on version 1.03.2 btw? 

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Yeah, i'm on 1.3.2 thats why i thought it was the update.  The lag seemed to increase after I upgraded, i clicked preserve settings and i never had to use strict before 1.3.2 / AW patch,  thats why i was confused but it defiantly has improved.  I can tell i'm dying legitimately now and the bullets are hitting when there supposed to as i said above the ping never changed, I get a pretty solid 25ms.

I didn't get a lot of playing in today so i didn't get a chance todo all the screenshots, i'll finish that over the weekend and post them up on Monday to see if we can learn anything further.


It was weird how it degraded over night but things are looking up now. 

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am having a nightmare on aw. just got fibre installed this morning expecting it to be better but its the same. pnging only 25 to the host/ mostly server but am getting hit markers and nobody is dying.


Am getting killed instantly....


Ghosts works fine....

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