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I'm doing OK. But  there is something that really puzzles me.

4-5 months ago I was able to chest press 8 reps with every single dumbbell available in the gym except the heaviest (40 kgs).

Now I'm stuck at lower kilos and it feels like I cannot lift again what I was able to lift before.

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Am I supposed to take a week off or something? Is it possible that my muscles are so tired that are giving up on me?

TBH I feel chest and shoulder pains every now and then.

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What's your nutritional plan been and what is your training schedule as far as body parts go.Nothing wrong with taking a week off from training if your feeling burned out.


It could be so many things,diet,training, high cortisol levels (stress),low test levels,lack of sleep etc.


Do you feel like your recovering from your workouts or are you sore all the time ? 

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I don't eat well. I've lost weight the way I shouldn't. And I mean stress. IRS is the best fat burning agency.

I feel a chest pain like I have a flu. I asked my instructor and he said to cut 50% my activity at least for a weak.

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I've been lifting for the last couple of years now, and my progress is amazing.

I'm slightly over 16% fat (see img. for reference) and my summer goal is the gent shown in 10%-12% window.

I think it's quite realistic for the 4-5 months to come.



I'm looking for a good, tested, fat loss program, but without losing my hard earned muscle mass.

Of course I'm aware that junk food, sugar, fat, high calorie stuff etc etc is a no-no.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated  :)


I've read that hydroxycut and garcenia cambodia are both good for helping with fat and appetite. CLA pills are also recommended as they target the fat. It may be something to look into if it doesn't conflict with anything you are doing now.  Good luck on your progress!  I'm a little behind you.  At more of the 25% trying to get to 15%.  

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@ Sgt-Greco well brother if you know your not eating right,that's the first place I would start.Also you should be taking a good multi vitamin and not the kind of multi that is one pill.The more pills the better in your multi,you can't possibly cram all the nutrients into one tab or capsule.I recommend animal pacs by universal they are 11 or 13 pills in each pack and they are IMO the best multi on the planet.


There are thousands of supplements on the market,the sad truth is very few actually work.IMO the only supplements that actually are worth buying are a quality protein powder,good multi,creatine and a few others.You should rely on diet to lose BF as the fat burners lack  result based proven research.No supplement will ever replace a solid diet,that's why there called supplements.


And yeah stress is the wrong way to lose weight,stress raises cortisol levels and cortisol and testosterone compete for the same limited resources in your body.And because of this If cortisol levels go up,testosterone must go down.So that could explain your loss of strength and your chest pain (anxiety) but it might do you some good to take a week off from the gym.


But you should definitely get your diet headed in the right direction,that would be a big step and go a long way to helping you feel better and get back on track   :D

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  • 10 months later...

OK. Here is a tough one.


If your system shuts down all fat burning process when you drink alcohol (in order to metabolise it), how come alcoholics are thin as chopsticks?

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and you guys call yourselves hardcore gamers? what happened to sitting in your pants eating pizza playing games??? bloody younger generation doing it all wrong lmao

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Something you can try, and I highly recommend it, it to go completely gluten free. Besides that things that are necessary for success are:

Drink a minimum of 3 liters of water per day.

Take a multivitamin, your body need nutrients. Get plenty or rest, 7-9 hours per night. Limit sugar intake to as little as possible. Take at least 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, this help you preserve lean muscle mass while losing body fat. And last but not least do high intensity training both for resistance training and cardio. In other words work your ass off! Do resistance training 3x per week and cardio 3x per week. Best of luck!

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OK. Here is a tough one.


If your system shuts down all fat burning process when you drink alcohol (in order to metabolise it), how come alcoholics are thin as chopsticks?

Most alcoholics,I mean true alcoholics are skinny fat and are always bloated.And clear hard alcohol actually clears your system quickly.The best drink for someone who's on a diet but still want's to toss back a few drinks on occasion is IMO 2 shots tequila,the juice from a half a lime and a splash of soda water.


Here's the science behind it,the lime juice blunts the insulin spike from the alcohol (and that spike will slow the fat burning process,your body simply cannot burn body fat in an insulin spiked state) and the soda water act's as a non polar solvent actually pushing the alcohol thru your system quicker.

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I had great success last year with a about 6 weeks of 24h on/off fasting making the switch late afternoon/evening around 4 to 6PM.  


The best thing about this fasting method is that you eat every day. :)


so its not prolonged muscle/hormone damaging fasting, its more of a natural "cave man" type eating schedule.


i.e. you eat dinner > breakfast > lunch then fast until dinner the next day (or have a small snack at the 24h mark until dinner) then you have breakfast next day and lunch then fast until dinner the next day.  repeat ad nauseum.  you can snack a piece of fruit here and there as necessary i.e. before an important meeting or a long drive etc.


as long as you are eating healthy you dont need to worry about what or how much you eat. 

First few days you might binge when breaking the fast but you will soon find yourself naturally eating less and less.

as you are eating every day you can still run/lift etc although it can be a bit scary starting a work without having eaten for a few hours.

you should quickly find though that you have all the energy you need without constantly eating and might even have more energy than normal.

Also this type of fasting (over a short period at least) is proven to naturally increase HGH production.

Try it, you should see those abbs in no time

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