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Absolutely no problems in Ghosts <3 Duma


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Hi Guys,


I just wanted to let you know, that the new Upgrade works fantastic!

I have great games in Ghosts on Xbox One, no troubles. It seems AW is a broken game, i have stopped playing it because in Ghosts all works perfectly for me. Its a AW problem..., Netduma works super smooth.


Thanks Netduma Team, great job again! 



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Whilst I am not beasting every game I am doing a lot better on AW than Ghosts blops blops2 or MW3, Since introducing the R1 to my set up I am going positive more times than not at about 90% of games and sometimes totally destroying the opposition. I guess I may try Ghosts again just to see but AW is really working for me at the minute, Some of the dedi servers are awful in Europe but when I join a friend in the states on the US dedi servers game is smooth without the duma and 85ms ping to Texas from the UK !!!!! wow.

When I game solo not with my US friends I do very well but when I invite my gaming pal states side the occasional game maybe 1 in 3 is a bit iffy but hell there is 6000+km between us lol

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I actually really like AW. I look at games objectively. If the connection was perfect in AW it would be awesome. As an example I thought the connection in Titanfall was great, but the game was stale.

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I actually really like AW. I look at games objectively. If the connection was perfect in AW it would be awesome. As an example I thought the connection in Titanfall was great, but the game was stale.

I find Titanfall fun as hell but to each there own.

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I actually really like AW. I look at games objectively. If the connection was perfect in AW it would be awesome. As an example I thought the connection in Titanfall was great, but the game was stale.

I dislike AW but that doesn't mean I dislike because I'm bad at it.




I think I hold my own in all things COD, including AW but the game is made poorly with too many problems and SHGames has no interest in fixing any of it.


I can be blunt but I'm objective and believe it or not, fair also.


I also respect that you like it, there are some good attributes the game possess.

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i am not bad in AW if i get good connection, but the game gives me 90% bad dedis so i stopped playing it. Aw is nice game but not a real COD like it was in the older CODs.

I hope the next one will be a old school COD.

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i play the older cods getting moabs played black ops 2 the past few days been getting 100 kill gameplays i play aw and shit lose all my gunfights i shoot first and die every time or get hitmarkers

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exactly kevo, i was near a DNA Bomb... once :) but its frustrating if you know you play normaly as good as you say and then in AW ....its so broken. it is a shame. only netduma gives me a chance to get some good games... but those dedis.. i give up.

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