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What does this say about a person ?


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I had the day off work today to sort out some chores , under orders from er indoors . Anyway I finished up and thought I would jump onto the 360 and rumble on MW3 . There are lots of different people on this forum from different walks of life but with one thing in common , to improve their gaming experience fairly by trying to have the best connection possible . Whilst playing I died quickly ( nothing new there ) and then again and again , it took me 5 deaths before I realised something was not quite right . I am blind as a bat anyway but after 5 deaths from the same person I realised he was invisible !! Yes invisible ( not that blind after all) not only was he hacking but he was strutting around with a heartbeat monitor . The biggest surprise was this guy was an adult as I quickly realised when I abused his cheating ass ! So the question is what does this say about a person , not a spotty 10 year old but an adult like me ? Away from his virtual gaming world my bet is he is also a slimy cheating ******* worthless piece of horse sh4t . Anyone agree ?

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Yes, that is sad.  If they want to mess around with hacks in a private lobby with friends... fine.  But when it starts interfering with my game I get really annoyed.  I guess I just pity them a little that they have to cheat and ruin others fun so they can have fun.  Luckily, I have not come across that type of thing very often.   As best as I can tell... I am blind as a bat too.

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Hopefully my thumbs up has said enough as I have NOTHING positive to say about people who have to cheat to feel "gud" in any game.  


There were (3) ranking pro players, one who is like near the top in the world, who got caught using hacks for CS:GO.  These guys are legit pros who literally get paid to play the game and they found it necessary to not only get cheats for their online events, the nervy bastards figured out a way to get them INTO live LAN events!  smdh


I still firmly believe if people weren't able to make money and become Interwebz famous for playing games (YT, Twitch, etc.), a lot of these companies would have a much harder time staying in business.

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As long as there is anything competitive...video games,sports hell even spelling bees people will attempt to cheat the system to gain an unfair advantage.


People love to / need to win,that's just human nature.But just cuz it's human nature don't mean you let it slide.I hate to lose a powerlifting meet but it happens.If i lose on that day someone out lifted me,i'm not happy about it but i'm not gonna cheat at the next meet to win.


I'm gonna train harder and try to beat my personal best numbers at the next meet.IMO people who cheat to win have no morals or character cuz winning the right way takes hard work.And that just isn't the way things are done these days.

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