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AW COD p2p last night


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Hi yall, Well for the first time in around two weeks I got a p2p host last night in the Netherlands, Ping 35-40 ms game play smooth as....

I even got a 3 KDR in one game and positive every game :)

During the day it was the usual suspects of dedicated servers and the game was awful,

Has anybody else experienced anything similar?

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I played at 2:30am my time until 3:40am and it was the worst, dedicated server in Adelaide (AU) absolute trash. I rage quit after dying 6 times in a row in a matter of 40 seconds. It's been almost 4 weeks since I cannot find a P2P host. I just hate the game now.


Glad you had some good games, but I'm ready to abandon all things Sledgehammer Games from here on out, I really dislike this mob.

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Aww man that sucks, it's crazy and unpredictable, During the day it can be real nasty and then mostly at night even connecting to servers and friends in the States from the UK the game is playable. Usually I can tell in the first 3 or 4 games what the session is going to be like and if it's horrible ill just bail and try later.

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Hi yall, Well for the first time in around two weeks I got a p2p host last night in the Netherlands, Ping 35-40 ms game play smooth as....

I even got a 3 KDR in one game and positive every game :)

During the day it was the usual suspects of dedicated servers and the game was awful,

Has anybody else experienced anything similar?

Last night was a disaster with the dedis. Trying to find out why this happens. 

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Sometimes I have a mare on them too then just walk away from it and when I try again a few hours later  no problem, No rhyme or reason to it at all but it is a pain in my shiny metal butt!!!!!

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I played for an hour last night before I kicked a hole in the wall, threw my controller across the room, lit my face on fire and put it out with an ice pick.  :o ;)


If they did anything to fix the connection it's not apparent to me. I only got games on the dedicated servers and it was choppy as hell. I did notice a big difference in the weapon balancing though...

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I played for an hour last night before I kicked a hole in the wall, threw my controller across the room, lit my face on fire and put it out with an ice pick.  :o ;)


If they did anything to fix the connection it's not apparent to me. I only got games on the dedicated servers and it was choppy as hell. I did notice a big difference in the weapon balancing though...


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We had 1 game last night that was really choppy 3 steps forward 2 back type choppy, left after about a minute. Checked settings and dedi 35 Ms Ping wierd.

Rest were all good on ps4

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was playing earlier on ps4 , it was impossible not to be tractor beamed onto a dedicated server and even though ping was good i had the worst session of all time.


it was an uphill struggle not to go seriously negative and only managed to go >1 kd once in about 15 games , i switched off in disgust.

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Agreed, lobbies been awful tonight so switched off geo filter and friend invited me to his party east coast USA, game played a lot smoother and better than a 35ms ping lobby on a dedi over here in blighty

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I tried playing a little last night.  PS4 TDM was unplayable.  Let me preface this by saying I could be totally wrong, but I believe a host is selected then players connect to the host and if possible you are placed on a dedi that is close to everyone.  This is what i believe happened last night and I should probabaly test this more thoroughly tonight to be sure.  When the game is selecting a host a big circle appears that i can rate but you have to be quick.  I assume this is a host everyone connects to first.  Next we are put on a dedi verified by not being able to exclude as host.  After playing the game it was horrid the connection was not smooth at all even though i play on this dedi regulary and it always pings 25-30ms.  Well luckily I still had the person we all connnected to before the game selected, when i pinged them it was 80-100ms and riddled with lag spikes.  I will further test this tonight but could be the explaination as to why the game experience keeps fluctuating from great to poor even though we are playing on a stable dedicated connection. I would ping the rateable host before you are sent to a dedi to see if these results are common. To compound things good hosts are no longer playing which makes for a perfect storm of frustration.  Just a theory as with most things I am not an expert.

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I started out a bit sketchy last night and kept getting put on that dedi Germany/Netherlands area. I asked on here and was advised by Fraser to leave it 2 minutes so that the R1 loses the servers on the map then try again,

I did this putting the bad dedi outside the geo filter and lowering the PA to 35ms. Best gaming experience I have ever had connecting to the dedi on South coast of the UK.

If it happens again try not connecting to a game for a couple of minutes and see if it connects you to a different host. :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

I tried playing a little last night.  PS4 TDM was unplayable.  Let me preface this by saying I could be totally wrong, but I believe a host is selected then players connect to the host and if possible you are placed on a dedi that is close to everyone.  This is what i believe happened last night and I should probabaly test this more thoroughly tonight to be sure.  When the game is selecting a host a big circle appears that i can rate but you have to be quick.  I assume this is a host everyone connects to first.  Next we are put on a dedi verified by not being able to exclude as host.  After playing the game it was horrid the connection was not smooth at all even though i play on this dedi regulary and it always pings 25-30ms.  Well luckily I still had the person we all connnected to before the game selected, when i pinged them it was 80-100ms and riddled with lag spikes.  I will further test this tonight but could be the explaination as to why the game experience keeps fluctuating from great to poor even though we are playing on a stable dedicated connection. I would ping the rateable host before you are sent to a dedi to see if these results are common. To compound things good hosts are no longer playing which makes for a perfect storm of frustration.  Just a theory as with most things I am not an expert.


Fantastic theory Drock, please let us know what you find out :)

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