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Question about profiles

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Hello all, I'm thinking of purchasing a Netduma. My internet speed is 125mbps down, 12mbps Up. My question is do the profiles work right out of the box? Meaning, can I just unbox the netduma, log in, set the profile to Ultimate CoD, log off, and everything will be optimized like congestion control etc.? or do I still need to do other things like set my bandwidth? Will Congestion control and everything else work ok without setting your bandwidth? thanks for the help 

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Not setting the netduma up properly when you first get it can cause a few problems. Its always best to set up the duma best for your set up/connection. Doing what you've said should would, it'll just set your bandwidth to the default (cant remember what that is) and yes, congestion control will change as to what ever profile you chose and with the CoD ultimate profile it'll put you in the ocean and change your ping assist to 50 so I guess yes, it could work how you've explained but you may run into some problems

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Hey John! I watched your vids especially the ones about setting up PS4 and networking and truly enjoyed them. Like Sallad said you getting the Duma and setting it up correctly is vital, but once you find the right settings you will reap the benefits of having this router.

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Hello all, I'm thinking of purchasing a Netduma. My internet speed is 125mbps down, 12mbps Up. My question is do the profiles work right out of the box? Meaning, can I just unbox the netduma, log in, set the profile to Ultimate CoD, log off, and everything will be optimized like congestion control etc.? or do I still need to do other things like set my bandwidth? Will Congestion control and everything else work ok without setting your bandwidth? thanks for the help 

To echo the other posts...everyone's connections and the demands on their home networks are different.  Doing a series of Bufferbloat tests to find the sweet spot for your CC sliders is key.  So is enabling Hyper-traffic, and using device prioritization to make sure you're getting what your console needs.  


for example


My CC sliders need to be set at 40% DL and 60% UL to get the best BB rating. I have about 26 devices connected to my R1 including a netgear router in AP mode. When in a party I have my device prioritization at about 30%.DL/UL.  However some people get A+ ratings with their CC sliders at 90%.  It depends on your ISP and your network.  

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