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Internet drops when duma handles pppoe

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When i have the duma handle the pppoe login the internet works fine for awhile then suddenly the internet drops out.  It comes back after a minute or two but is very annoying and it keeps happening.  I dont have wifi enabled on the duma as i have existing ap's throughout the house. When the duma doesn't handle pppoe there aren't any problems other than nat issues even after putting the duma address under dmz on modem so id like to have the duma handle the credentials if i can get this fixed.  I have ipv6 disabled also.

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There was a PPPoe bug in the software as of the .5 firmware.  Not sure if it was addressed in the .6 update. What version are you on?  Most folks seemed to have a better experience putting another router ahead of the Duma in the chain to handle PPPoe and just connecting all devices to the Duma for the benefits (CC, prioritization, Geofilter, Anti-jitter algorithms, etc.) 

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Thanks for the reply. I'm on 1.03.6g and I may just have to go back to having my modem handle the pppoe until there is a fix however I seem to run into nat issues occasionally even while using DMZ on the modem.

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