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Download speed cut in half! Firmware 1.03.6g

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I'm on 103.6g and my download speed is barely half at best.  I've messed with every setting, reboot/factory reset, read too many posts about it and nothing seems to resolve the issue.  Is there a firmware update coming soon to address this?


Meanwhile I have installed my previous router and I'm back to my normal speeds or 60 down and 6 up.  I want to use the Netduma exclusively.  Is this a common issue on this firmware?  Can I go back to a previous firmware pre 103.5?


Caps all set to 100%

Share excess box ticked

Prioritization flower reset and updated to my preferred solution (no difference obviously)

Preemptive setting ticked

Many other things ticked and tested to verify speed, nothing made any improvement.


I love the router for its Geo-filtering and it seems to do that job well.  I bought it to use on my PS4 so the download/upload speed I have with the Netduma is way beyond what PSN allows anyway.  But I have 8 other devices connected to it including 2 computers.  Having my download/upload speed cut in half does compromise the quality of life on some of these devices.  The one I mainly am referring to is my main desktop which is hardwired to the router.  


Any solutions in the works? 

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Hey notorious, I think your device prioritization flower should be reset and everything should be equal value for when you're doing your speed test. If you reset the flower and then change values you're not going to get a realistic speed test. If you haven't already, try resetting the distribution flower and then don't touch it. Run your speed test and see what you get.


Oddly I had somewhat reduced speeds during the .5 firmware, but the .6 firmware changed everything back to normal speeds. Good luck

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Speeds are suppose to be 60 down and 6 up.  I use to be able to get that with the netduma but now only half at best.  Flower was reset and retested several times with the same results every time.  My DL speed is cut in half, my upload speed is actually pretty much the same. 


I can really tell beyond a speed test too.  For example downloading a Steam game through the netduma vs my original router.  My MB per sec drops from 7.2 to 3.0 at best.  


I have 9 things connected to the router.  2 smart phones (wireless), 2 printers (wireless), 1 PS4 (wired), 1 desktop (wired), 1 laptop (wireless) and 2 smart tv's (wireless) 

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Have you followed the instructions here? Also try ticking turbo mode. Are you doing the speed test through your hard wired PC?


I've done everything per those instructions except enable turbo, i'll try that next.  I never needed to enable turbo before and I use to get the correct speeds till this latest firmware.  All speed tests through my hardwired PC.


I suppose my current solution works with using two routers, but for simplicity I'd love to go back to just the Netduma.

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