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How to make PPPoE connection

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I use a TP-Link TD-W9980 as modem router and R1....my ps3 has NAT 2.

I want ps3 to connect to R1-->TD-W9980 via PPPoe connection.

So i set up my TD-W9980 as this guide to "Bridge" mode...(VDSL Modem)


Then i put in R1 "WAN" page my PPPoE Username and Password..."WAN IP" Disabled,"WAN MAC Address" Disabled,"WAN VLAN" Disabled,"IPv6" Disabled,"MTU" Disabled and put 1492 as mtu.


So what i am doing wrong????Because i have no internet at all!!!


My purpose is to connect my ps3 via PPPoE to have nat type 1.


Please help.

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I can take NAT TYPE 1 when i connect ps3 to Tp-link....so TP-link settings is ok as "Bridge".

But when i connect ps3 via wireless with R1 fails to connect ...so something with settings in R1 going wrong.

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There would really be no discernable difference between NAT 1/NAT 2 in that situation. So if it is creating an issue I wouldn't bother. However try:


Power off both your hub and your Netduma. Now connect port 1 of the Duma into any other port on the other hub. Power up the hub and after a minute, power up the Netduma.

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I try Fraser ....nothing change...Google Chrome says..."ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE" when i try to open the hub page....and ps3 can't get IP.


Can you just go back to the old setup when you had NAT type 2 if that worked?

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I can only open my TP-Link modem/router page in my browser only if i connect it directly with my pc...etc...wifi my pc and wireless connection with TP-link....if i connect my pc wireless with R1 and try to open TP-Link configuration page it doesn't open it.


And ps3 when i make a PPPoE connection directly with TP-Link everything is ok...it get's IP and so on.......when i try to connect ps3 with PPPoE connection with R1 it fails to get IP....thats my problem....i can't use R1 in gaming if i connect ps3 directly with TP-Link...i want to connect it via R1.


In old set up with TP-Link use as modem router not in brigde mode everything was ok.

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Sorry for the late reply. 


I would go back to the old setup if that was working fine, this new setup won't give you any advantages.


If you really want to try it this way, I would make sure you're inputting the correct PPPoE info into the duma then power cycle modem and R1, see if that resolves it.

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