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Netduma's WiFi Strength Question

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I don't see any specs on the site about WiFi but I'm reading offsite that the WiFi is pretty poor on the Netduma. No 5ghz and limited power. Was wondering people's opinion as my goal is to prioritize my Xbox which would be wired but my house also runs 4 Amazon Fire sticks that are almost always running. Have 150 down, 20 up speed. 

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If you need better WiFi or 5Ghz support it's recommended to disable the WiFi on the R1 and install a wired N or AC class wired AP on the back end of the R1. I have a AC class AP connected to the R1 and enjoy it all.

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Before the Netduma, I was using the Netgear R6300 modem that was simultaneous dual band and supposed to be high range.   I was worried about the wifi range of the Netduma because my house is a two story stucco house, which means wire mesh throughout the house.   I used wifi analyzer and compared the signals of both modems.  The signal strength of the Netduma was only slightly weaker than the R6300.   

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I'll just reiterate what others have said here. 


If you are concerned with getting the full speeds via wifi you probably won't be able to as others have said an AC router in AP mode behind the R1 would give you those speeds as well as giving you all the benefits of the R1

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