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Reduced bandwidth with Netduma

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Got a Netduma because I thought it would help with lag not make it worse , all it's done is reduced my download speed and upload speed and increase my ping, I ran a speed test on my Isp router and my ping is 10, download speed is 100mbps and upload is 12mbps , I do the same test with the Netduma and my ping is 16 download speed is 9mbps and upload is 5mbps, it's not my isp router which is a virgin media super hub 2, what's going on guys ?

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Hi Hilly,


Thanks for purchasing the router. Firstly it's impossible for the router to make it worst it will only improve it and massively improve it.


Speed(bandwidth) literally has nothing to do with gaming or lag, but don't worry we can get you up to 800 mbits for other uses like streaming video. To help you, what version are you on?  You can find out by going down to the bottom of any page on the router and it will tell you.


If you're on version 1.03.6g then please do the following:

  1. Click congestion control on the left
  2. Click Set Bandwidth
  3. Set your download/upload to 200mbits for download and upload
  4. If will ask you to auto-configure speeds, choose yes
  5. Then enter your actual bandwidth in so 100 down, 12 up 
  6. If will ask you to auto-configure speeds this time choose no


Then try a speed test using a wire on a PC (not a console or phone), you will get full speeds :)

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You need to get updated to .6 FW then follow Iains list of configurations to do.

Post here and enable remote support:




Hi I'm on version 1.03.4 still waiting for some help with up grade to latest version I've set my isp router to modem mode and have everthing now connected to my Netduma when I run speed check through my wired laptop the connection speeds are as in the above post, if I swop it back to my ISP route then the speeds are greatly increased to where it should be , I don't want to set my bandwidth to these low readings as its not correct, I must be doing something wrong or is it because I'm not on the newest firmware or could the problem be the Ethernet cable between my ISP router and Netduma, feeling very stressed

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Well you could update manually, install .5 then install .6. I downloaded each and updated myself. I was on .5 for a bit then updated to .6. If you choose to manually update, don't check the Preserve Settings. Do a factory reset after the FW update then set up from scratch.

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