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Gigabit Bit Speeds, Not saving download/upload input

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Hello all, yes I know with the netduma I probably wont be able to get a full 1gb speeds, but what I want to know is whenever I try to update the values I enter for download and upload, it then asks me if I want to allow  the router to auto-setup which I click YES. I then go back and check on the device manager and it still says the DEFAULT 100/10 speeds. 


It even did this after a factory reset, it will not save my speeds that I input in the values. I am running the newest firmware.

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If you have to put 999 in and allow auto set up to set up for your speeds whatever you get is likely the max you can get. 


Theoretically we can achieve ~900mbps in a perfect setting. Real world this may not always be possible. 


Ensure you're using an ethernet cable between your PC and duma that can handle those speeds Cat6e and above.

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To get best performances on for actual 1000Mb and beyond, you need 10Gb supporting connection rate devices. Unfortunately there isn't much if any currently for consumer class 10Gb HW. 10Gb is mostly kept to big business and enterprise class environments. I presume that maybe in the next 5 years we may see that change. There's been talk here and there of it in other forums. Same thing happened when we graduated from 100Mb to 1000Mb years back. Current consumer HW wont do much passed 900Mb.

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