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Serious lag

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Hey guys,


Since a couple of days I have a really bad ping all tests etc are normal ... But when I play online the Ping doubles itself with no reason.. I really don't know what's the matter.. I have the feeling my netdumais broken or so.... I hope someone can help me.



Thank you



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Ping always jumps around either caused by your home network or the servers and/or both.


Make sure you have your duma set up right for your speeds and then go after and get rid of bufferbloat as much as you can.


Have you updated the router to the newest version?

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Yeah everything is right my bb is a+ etc. but when i play online my ping jumps up like crazy there is definetely something wrong with the duma itself just played on my normal fritzbox and everything was fine no lag at all. Since the .6 update this happens to me so often and I don't know whats the problem

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Since upgrading to 0.6 I've had this happen to me three times. With my connection I'm now able to test my connection to the Internet bypassing the Netduma. When I do this I find ping to servers like www.bc.co.uk are sub 20ms but when I ping via a Netduma connected device they have been 200ms+!!! The only way to fix for me has been a reboot of the Netduma and normal speed is returned. When the Netduma is in this state it's impossible to play COD, it's like playing a 10fps game. I know when this happens there is not another device on my network using the network and my network monitors prove this. I will continue to monitor the situation. 

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