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R1 bricked my Cable modem

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Hi folks. I'm quite happy with my R1 but I have problem. It bricked totally my Cable modem. I can't use it without the R1 and there's no hard reset for the cable modem. It tried it by accessing the UI of the modem but has no hard reset or anything like that. Anyone can help?

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If the modem was truely bricked the R1 wouldn't work as well. Bricked means nothing connects or the modem doesn't work with any PC or router.

If your trying to connect the modem with a different router, the check your cables and also factory reset the other router and set up from scratch.

Put a PC directly connected to the ISP modem and check to see if the PC works.

Check trouble shooting to see if the modem has any sort of reset feature or Power OFF the modem for 1 minute:


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Or.....you can just unplug your modem for a little bit then plug er back in and wait till all the lights are on and then plug your other router in and wait for it to sync.


You should be good to go and the problem you are having is just with switching the routers without a hard reboot in between.

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