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New DLC broken?!?


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Anyone else notice the out of map glitches plaguing the new maps. It has gotten to the point I have to back out of all games on Splash and Gauntlet due to people jumping out of the map, oh what a fun experience NOT... :angry:  

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Man the disappointment is real with this DLC offering.  YT, Twitter and the forums across the "community" are raging.  I really hope the release team is doing a comprehensive "lessons learned" once the dust settles on this prior to the next release.


From a purely outside looking in perspective, this has been a shit show of T-Rex proportions.

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Its a real shame cause I really like these new dlc maps.

I dont get why people feel they have to go outside of maps. I think the players that use the glitches and the youtubers that advertise said glitches on there youtube channels should be banned from the game.

On my last game on Splash Tdm my whole team was too busy linning up to try and get on the roof glitch, which left me to try and play and win the game. guess what...... we lost that game :P 

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One of my first games on splash went 40-11 or something, anyway I loved it then came the D-bags to F@ck it all up. Then came Gauntlet, played a few really good games then all of a sudden I'm getting shot from the tree tops in the jungle :angry:  Went back to Destiny after that, which would be great but always seem to get one player with 200ms ping in every game fml.

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The psychology behind glitches actually exposes a flaw in game design if you look past the people exploiting them.


There will always be those looking for an unfair advantage, but the real issue is the game mechanics are so boring that to get the same kind of Dopeamine rush players initially got out of the game they now have to resort to "cheating" to get that same rush. CoD needs to evolve into a game that requires more than just killing... Even in kill-all modes like TDM and FFA.

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The psychology behind glitches actually exposes a flaw in game design if you look past the people exploiting them.


There will always be those looking for an unfair advantage, but the real issue is the game mechanics are so boring that to get the same kind of Dopeamine rush players initially got out of the game they now have to resort to "cheating" to get that same rush. CoD needs to evolve into a game that requires more than just killing... Even in kill-all modes like TDM and FFA.

I won't argue with flaws in design, if there wasn't these fine f@cktards wouldn't be on a roof. But I believe the no thumb cheaters are going to try this in every game and probably every other aspect of their life. Shitty people are just shitty people at the end of the day, they will grow up to be lawyers or members of congress or worse. The game is what it is, it however should not be released in a broken state after all they did have three years to find what took theses morons two days to figure out.  

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New maps are awesome , they're just glitchy as fuck and the flow is shit atm

Give it a few weeks and they will be awesome to play on , trust me


I have the Season Pass, and I actually like Splash, Skyjacked (Hijack remake), Rise and Gauntlet which pleasantly surprised me because I usually only like two out of the four maps released in each pack...

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New maps are awesome , they're just glitchy as fuck and the flow is shit atm

Give it a few weeks and they will be awesome to play on , trust me

Maybe they should go to a three year and a few months cycle so we don't have to be unpaid test subjects. 

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I won't argue with flaws in design, if there wasn't these fine f@cktards wouldn't be on a roof. But I believe the no thumb cheaters are going to try this in every game and probably every other aspect of their life. Shitty people are just shitty people at the end of the day, they will grow up to be lawyers or members of congress or worse. The game is what it is, it however should not be released in a broken state after all they did have three years to find what took theses morons two days to figure out.  


I honestly don't know if they actually took a whole three years like the PR claims?


Reason being it's CoD which means it's cut & paste for the most part even if they do add new mechanics. Plus, they already know the ancient engine extensively which also cuts down on R&D and build pushes.


The main point, however, is developers and play testers are not the average Johnny-No-Thumbs who goes looking for exploits. They play the game way they believe "average" players will play, and 95% of the time they are right, IMO. Glitches also pop up after RTM is approved (obviously), but then it takes time to reproduce and fix the issues due to internal and external red tape between them, MS and Sony. Consoles are great because they are a unified hardware set, but worse bureaucracy-wise since they have to have everything approved by third parties and that can often be the longest part in fixing game breaking issues like exploits.

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I have the Season Pass, and I actually like Splash, Skyjacked (Hijack remake), Rise and Gauntlet which pleasantly surprised me because I usually only like two out of the four maps released in each pack...

I really like Splash and not because it's a kiddy map but because it plays well when not getting shot from a rock wall. I also like Gauntlet, Skyjacked and rise seem like a lackluster effort on the developers part, I wasn't impressed at all. 

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Sadly looks like they may have missed some of the holes in splash.

And nothing has been done about buffing scorestreaks. Eg the wraith Seriously needs better flack or cloaking or something. was running it today and it kept getting taken out within seconds of arrival.

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