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netduma issue with geofilter

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hi please i need help bought a netduma 3 weeeks ago and i am haveing iusses one of them is when i chnage the geofilter to the uk lets say to play ppl from there the game stars and i see host being blocked but in the us map not uk and it dose not show ppl on the geo filter just in the us one witch i dont have it set to there but when i set it to the us it works fine toronto

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hi fraser i did everything that you explained to me. note that i did a software rest as it was not working before it brought me after booting up to my home location automatically and when i search for games everything is fine how it supposed to be. the problem is when lets say a freiend from uk and they complain about there connection i then change my home location wich is Toronto to so were in btween uk and toronto or any other place as home it starts to have iusses like ill get into games but it wont be were i set my new home to and it would not show anyone in side my geo filter range it would only show me blocking host in the usa area/toronto and still getting games were i the home is place it only works when i place in my home town no other home i set to wont work please let me know if the netduma is broken or maybe when i rest it it missed up.

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Okay np have watied before for the map to clear and even refreached the page and it showed no ppl then tried and nothing showing on the geo filter. I will try with ping assist at 0 and see of that works ill let u know thank you for replaying fraser ill get back to u.

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Ping Assist = What connection speed OUTSIDE of your Geo Filter is acceptable to you for gaming?


If you want to connect to ANY available game host with less than a 50ms ping, put your Ping Assist slider at 50.  


If you only want games outside of your Geo Filter that have a 30ms (base) ping, then set it to 30.

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Has someone read my replay yet it is important it cost me 300 in total for this ruter not cheap please help i know the adims from netduma has alot of iusses to attend to not just main but i have not got a replay in 2 days now there must be a better way to talk about important stuff like this.

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 Last week I made the comment that I had been camping the UK server and playing on it. (Notice I live in Indiana/USA)  Well right after I posted that comment, I am no longer able to connect anywhere on the globe like that. I can only connect to servers / players in the USA. So now I basically have to camp Seattle to get a ping over 70 to get good matches. When I was camping the UK, my ping was 150ms ish and I was running around with three bars.


 So for some reason, this trick doesn't work anymore.


 Is this something that xbox live prohibits or something? Restricts you to your home country?  Has the R1 changed and now prohibits this? Something has definitely changed just recently and now camping a server in another country is not possible, whereas before I was able to.



 EDIT: nevermind, I am able to get into the other country servers again. I tried everything this past week and it wouldn't work, just tried again and able to. Odd....

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It seems to think you are located in the US for some reason. 

Do you have a VPN enabled by chance? 


Otherwise can you do this please. Hard turn off the console, hold the power button for 10 seconds. Disconnect ethernet from the modem. Power off both your modem and your Netduma. Connect port 1 of the Duma into port 1 on the modem. Power up the modem and after a minute, power up the Netduma. Then enable the Geo-filter, strict mode on, ping assist at 0 and then turn on the console and search. 

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