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Lag compensation getting worse?

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Hi, I know by now you guys are definitely getting sick of me because of all the problems i have been having in the past few months with black ops 3, but for some reason it seems like the lag compensation has been getting worse for me on black ops 3. For example, i shoot first at the body, he shoots second at the foot and he automatically wins the gunfight. I'm always losing all of my gunfights with in the past week and i just cant take it anymore. i even factory reset the router to see if that was the problem, but it didnt fix anything and i am back to where i started. my settings for the host filter are: Xbox one with disabled geofilter, strict mode off, and 1500 KM. Congestion control bars are set at 70 and its set at a high level for the xbox one with reactive ticked. what in gods name is the problem and what should i do to fix it? any help is appreciated :)

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 Yeah something is wrong with the game currently on xbone. From another topic on here I was posting in, I found a solution that works for me. I was complaining about always being thrown in the Kansas server here in the US. One night I saw a couple guys form the UK connecting to this server and they were doing very well. So this weekend I have been grinding out the double xp in the UK server. My ping is 150+ and I'm doing very well running around with a solid 3 bar connection. I can come back home and get into the east-coast and Kansas servers with a descent low ping but getting my ass handed to me. That's simply broken on bops3 part. Right now a higher ping is working in my favor. You can bet the next patch which I think is coming soon will change this again. It's just a constant battle and knowing all the little tricks and fine-tuning on a session by session basis to get the best out of this game, and thanks to the Netduma there is a setting or something that will work usually.


 So have you tried camping something farther away and get your ping up there...?  It's working for me. I live in Indiana, but I put my home right on top of the UK server and ping-assist at 0. Then I have to leave my CC at 100% until I can get into the dedi, and then I can throttle back to something that works. I use the common 70% on both and it seems to work. I don't take the time to go check my bloat cause I'm in game at this point... but yeah kind of get an idea of what cc setting works for you in general.


 Kinda sad isn't it? Guys in the UK camping over here, guys over here camping over there lol.  If it works it works, do what you gotta do.  Yeah I'm finding that right now I'm doing best at around 150ms and thats a three-bar connection. Lag-comp seems to be kicking in and helping me, whereas here in the states at around 40-80ms I'm getting slaughtered...

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I'm definitely gonna give that a shot. you're right, its pretty sad that you have to do that. It really shouldnt be getting to the point where you have to put your home location right on top of the UK. But yea, i will definitely give this a shot. Thank you for the help. I will be back in a little bit to see if you're right :)

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I dont understand why people are complaining about lag comp.


I live in california and I set my geo to about 420-450 miles and PA set at 0.


It takes a long time to get a room going but I only connect to cali servers or hosts close to me.


In all my matches everyone has full bars and if not its only one or two people.


Probably lag switching or lagging their network.


Anyway when setup is done right then you really wont see other players getting lag comp.

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no its definitely not that nemesis. because i have it set to at least 1500 or less and no matter what i set it as, it just doesnt work. And sling i just tried that method and its not working. i have the location set to UK and no goods results. does strict mode need to be on?

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 Yeah I leave strict on. I just played one match of HC dom in the UK and I went negative. Looked like mostly locals. That is actually how it should work imo. I was three bar with the farthest away connection, I should of got my ass kicked. Most matches this weekend have been the other way around though and I've not been making many friends in the UK lol. 


 I'm gonna try some servers here in the states now and see whats working for me today. Trial and error... 

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I have my Filter set to regional location however i have my CC controls set for 99% for both. If you game and theres nobody else online while your gaming, you can set your CC controls higher. 

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I figured out the best way to get better connection thanks to sling lol. I did what he said by putting the home location to the UK. And then I left strict off and it put me in a game with a dedi server from kansas, made it so that i always get the server. and Ive had good connection for literally the past 3 hours. This has been the best connection i have had in a long while. 

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I dont understand why people are complaining about lag comp.


I live in california and I set my geo to about 420-450 miles and PA set at 0.


It takes a long time to get a room going but I only connect to cali servers or hosts close to me.


In all my matches everyone has full bars and if not its only one or two people.


Probably lag switching or lagging their network.


Anyway when setup is done right then you really wont see other players getting lag comp.

Yea I don't think its people not setting up right, everyones situation is different . There are alot of people having issues with the game right now. Its in the Treyarch and xbone is apparently the worst.

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Really? cause i thought ps4 was doing worse than us now. 

I am just going from the collective amount of posts I am seeing. I do not own a ps4 so I do not know. Xbone has been great for me since thursday, so I could possibly not have a clue what I am talking about. LOL

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