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? congestion control


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Hi yall, just a quick question on congestion control.

As I understand it cc deals with upload, so if I have 5 devices connected to my network but only my PS4 using any bandwidth I could leave my up and down caps at 100% because nothing else is using any bandwidth.

But if other devices are using bandwidth then drop the caps a bit to stop any bottlenecks.

I am personally finding around 75%-80% working best for me but when I was home alone Sunday morning I just jumped on for a few and had great smooth games and had accidentally left the caps at 100%

Is any of the above correct? lol

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This happen for me this weekend as well. I have 75 up and down on verizon and usually set 75% for both. I forgot to switch it back and left at 100% and it played well. Not sure why

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yup bagsta is correct congestion control will only help if there is congestion ie other people or devices using the internet while you're playing

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Guest Netduma_Iain

The way I see it is there is no harm in doing it because the console won't be using all that bandwidth so you might as well set it as a safeguard.

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Sorry to jump on this thread but I did some testing myself just now on CC for the first time . Played COD Aw set CC to 70/70 whilst streaming Netflix / you tube and also downloading sky movies and I could see my network monitor going crazy jumping from 5% to 70% under these conditions . My ping was spiking ( guess this is to be expected )

And I tried pre emptive and re active to see if the ping spikes would reduce with either of them with no change to be honest . My gaming was okay but not great , when I stopped all the CC abuse my ping flat lined and gaming was very good . Not sure if I am. Expecting too much or not ? My internet is fibre 80/20 and I stayed in the same lobby for 4 games whilst testing (Dedi server ) with 30 Ms ping

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Sorry to jump on this thread but I did some testing myself just now on CC for the first time . Played COD Aw set CC to 70/70 whilst streaming Netflix / you tube and also downloading sky movies and I could see my network monitor going crazy jumping from 5% to 70% under these conditions . My ping was spiking ( guess this is to be expected )

And I tried pre emptive and re active to see if the ping spikes would reduce with either of them with no change to be honest . My gaming was okay but not great , when I stopped all the CC abuse my ping flat lined and gaming was very good . Not sure if I am. Expecting too much or not ? My internet is fibre 80/20 and I stayed in the same lobby for 4 games whilst testing (Dedi server ) with 30 Ms ping


Was the ping to host spiking as well or was it consistent?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

It was the ping to host on my geo that I was referring to as spiking


Oh sorry, my mistake. Do you have any devices that are not connected to the R1 that you were also using intensively for the test?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

No everything is connected to the DUMA


Have you tried using other values than 70/70 for cc? Some people find it works best on different percentages :)

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Just been monitoring ping to host for last few games, with cap set at 70-70 every encounter when I was shooting and the enemy was shooting at me the ping bar spiked to 80+ and I would lose most encounters.

After increasing the cap to 80-80 the ping never spiked to more than 55.

The only problem I am really having in testing what works best is the different ways people play the game, one lobby is full of camping sit in the corner ads then the next is full of springing about spinning qs dB's. very difficult to see if it is the settings or the lobbies that cause the problems. I mean at the end of the day I guess the duma has spoiled me and now I expect to shoot first and kill as this is what happens most of the time so it becomes VERY apparnt when there is a connection issue.

Anyway keep up the fab work guys :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I will test again tomorrow but whilst flooding the bandwidth I will check out different % settings on CC . Still uncertain on

Pre emptive and reactive though not sure which is best for me or even if they make a difference either way

Did you ever figure out which one works best? I'm kinda having the same issue. I've tried from 70% all the way down to 10% and it doesn't seem to make a difference in gameplay. Maybe I should go higher?

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Did you ever figure out which one works best? I'm kinda having the same issue. I've tried from 70% all the way down to 10% and it doesn't seem to make a difference in gameplay. Maybe I should go higher?


I also tried 10 and 10 and I absolutely destroyed,I kinda felt like I was a bit of a bullet sponge so I didn't bother leaving it there as it also felt shakey and looked horrible I'm sure it was causing a motion blur effect on my end so couldnt live with it,I find that if I speedtest my Internet at 100%both down and up I get a unstable needle bouncing around especially on the upload so I tried 99 and 99 and it goes up to speed and stays there the needle doesn't move as if it's a rock steady connection,I'm gonna jump online and give it a try out tonight

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I haven't seen any difference to be honest . It would be good if the CC bar was on the same page as your Geo so you could change mid game and see if actually impacted any spikes . It's difficult to go from one page to another and click the host again to check for changes

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I haven't seen any difference to be honest . It would be good if the CC bar was on the same page as your Geo so you could change mid game and see if actually impacted any spikes . It's difficult to go from one page to another and click the host again to check for changes

Have it open in a second tab? The you won't have to click on host again

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