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Destiny SBMM Update

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Hey there,


Bungie just realised another update on there current SBMM mess.




I figured this could perhaps mean Destiny needs another look at/update.


If you guys do need more help keep an eye on these things please let me know.


Either way hopefully this change will make many Destiny players on here happy. Personally I want to be able to turn Strict back on without constant kicking.




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For science i took screenshots of all my lobbys in iron banner both tuesday and wednesday (after matchmaking changed). Overall it didnt do all that much for me and my friends, there is still alot of lag going around. But i also think that iron banner is the worst playlist to try something like this since its been really bad already since the start. Tomorrow i will do a test with the geo filter active to see how well it can gather a lobby inside the radius now, should be alot easier with the changes if they work as intended.

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There was another matchmaking change done in IB again today. Probably more weighting to ping > skill hopefully with some packet loss history weighting too.


First Day IB, normal mostly regional green connections with some random international (to me) connections

Second Day IB first change, mostly regional green connections with the everyone gets red/yellow connections and game goes to hell. Plus almost every matchmaking launch has the international connections showing up but they don't connect (often)

Third Day... Who knows



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I always get red circles in my filter, I have never seen a green circle. Am I missing something?


I believe Red and Green are based on the console or platform you are using.  I'm thinking you are connecting to the red circles without issue and the question was based purely on the color itself?  If so, no, you aren't missing anything other than another console to hook up to the Duma. :D

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This last IB was a very laggy experience to the point of rage sometimes,Bungie itself is the cause with the awful matchmaking,i mean geo off your just matched up with anyone,ping who cares connection who cares..thats bungies attitude to it.

Shame as played over 2000 hours and cant stomach it much more,run only 2 characters through Ib and it was a sweat fest...sbmm just isnt required.

only my opinion everyone.

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This last IB was a very laggy experience to the point of rage sometimes,Bungie itself is the cause with the awful matchmaking,i mean geo off your just matched up with anyone,ping who cares connection who cares..thats bungies attitude to it.

Shame as played over 2000 hours and cant stomach it much more,run only 2 characters through Ib and it was a sweat fest...sbmm just isnt required.

only my opinion everyone.


Agreed. This game would be so much more fun and work so much better if they would just remove the skillbasedmatchmaking. They added the IB update of matchmaking into the skirmish playlist yesterday, i dont think i had more than one game with all EU, rest was worldwide mix lobbys. Its an absolute joke. Bungie has theyre head so far up there on ass they dont have a clue whats going on.

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