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Internet Diagnosis & high Ping

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Can anyone help me solve this problem 


When i run a internet diagnosis test I get this results:

Ping: good

Jitter: Ok

Spikes: terrible

Packet loss: no loss


I'm not sure if i have a wrong setting or whats going on


Also my ping since I started using netduma has been high on my asus router i would get 9 ping but 

on netduma i get 32 and more


I pay for 200 download and 20 up the speeds are good but the ping is very high 

if anyone can help me please let me know ASAP!!


i also play on console(ps4) so if someone can get me the perfect settings for that i will

really appreciated it

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If those Jitter and Spike readings are accurate, you would need to run something like ping plotter or other service to verify, I'd be on the horn to the service provider.


With bad jitter and heavy spikes, they have the ability to practically wipe out your packet of 1's and 0's (bullets) getting to where you need them to go (into your enemy in a timely fashion).  


The wording is cause for investigation, so I would suggest running a few samples of the Ping Plotter over this weekend.  Build a usage case (morning, midday, night and always include times in your area for heavy traffic) and see what the results truly are for your incoming line.


This type of problem, if it is as I suspect, is well beyond the reach of the normal home owner to be able to fix.  The good news is we have a few guys here who are pretty smart and well versed now in dealing with ISP's and these types of issues.   ;)



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If those Jitter and Spike readings are accurate, you would need to run something like ping plotter or other service to verify, I'd be on the horn to the service provider.


With bad jitter and heavy spikes, they have the ability to practically wipe out your packet of 1's and 0's (bullets) getting to where you need them to go (into your enemy in a timely fashion).  


The wording is cause for investigation, so I would suggest running a few samples of the Ping Plotter over this weekend.  Build a usage case (morning, midday, night and always include times in your area for heavy traffic) and see what the results truly are for your incoming line.


This type of problem, if it is as I suspect, is well beyond the reach of the normal home owner to be able to fix.  The good news is we have a few guys here who are pretty smart and well versed now in dealing with ISP's and these types of issues.   ;)



but the thing is that with the asus router that I had I was getting 9 or below ping but with netduma I'm getting 30 and above

But with the netduma I'm getting my full speeds is just the ping that is to high so I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong with the settings

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I don't disagree with the thought behind your numbers, but the quality of that ping is much more concerning to me.


Jitter: ok



If you watch that line on a Real time graph/plotter you will see what I expect to be some tragic, intermittent interference which will affect everything from speed to line quality and throughout.


As we don't have a baseline for quality when you were getting the 9ms with the Asus, we can't compare like samples.


Settings aside, if the line out on the street is shit, no router or in home miracle item is going to solve that problem, correctly, for you.


I would still recommend a series of line quality tests to prove the theory is accurate and the problem exists outside of the router and your console.

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You use the pro version free for 30 days then it reverts to the free version.


Type into target and press go, try not to use the internet while you test.


(The Netduma is very accurate as it turns off everything on the internet while it tests but is only a small sample I hope in the future for a sample time slider or total time to ping box)


If you are seeing higher pings after upgrading the firmware I suggest doing a factory reset, then setting the duma back up

(This will lose any settings including allow deny)

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If those readings are accurate for jitter and spikes as others have said it's gonna be an issue for you.As I have jitter issues myself and it makes a huge difference in a FPS game.


And you might have been getting a 9 or below ping with your Asus but it doesn't run the diagnostics tests like the duma does,which is a lot more in depth as it checks more than just ping.So those reading may or may not have been accurate.


The down side about using and learning all these new things,ping plotter,ping smoke etc. And learning about how much jitter and instability your line actually has will piss you off.I'm pretty sure it's always been there you're just now realizing it with the new tools your running.


But I would start an account on ping.net and run ping plotter 4-5 times a day (at least 1 time during peak usage hours) for 2 weeks and if there are line quality issues present it to your ISP.

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