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BO3 California Servers?

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You should be able to connect to either L.A., or San Francisco.


Make sure your home location is where you are in SoCal, Ping Assist 0, and your Geo Filter Radius the smallest it can be e.g. 300-400 miles, etc.


You should also be able to see the L.A., or SF servers because they will be big circles that pulsate and right before a match starts just like the KC and Seattle servers do. Once you find them, adjust your home location and radius to include just the server you want and everything should work correctly. You may have to put your home location out in the ocean to filter out the other two servers...

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What Connor said but know that when you do this the time it takes searching for a game is drastic and you will most likely pull host if not then either of the two locations in cali.


I only play on the cali servers so I know the time delays.

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Your right nemesis, i tried it with people in my party and it refused to find me a game in the southern California server or the northern California server. Its so wierd it forces me on the Seattle server when i live 30 miles from L.A.


Have you got strict on and PA at 0? 

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Why the suggestion for PA zero unless you're trying to force only using the servers and not peer hosted games? Wouldn't you still want to set the ping assist to like 30 so that you're getting quality hosts even if they're not the dedi?

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Why the suggestion for PA zero unless you're trying to force only using the servers and not peer hosted games? Wouldn't you still want to set the ping assist to like 30 so that you're getting quality hosts even if they're not the dedi?

In BO3 they almost force dedi's so in my experience there aren't very many P2P games that I have found.And even if you set your PA to 30 that doesn't mean the host your gonna get is quality.

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In BO3 they almost force dedi's so in my experience there aren't very many P2P games that I have found.And even if you set your PA to 30 that doesn't mean the host your gonna get is quality.


Yea that's true which really sucks for people like me that live right in the middle of them. I'm 50 ping to Kansas and like 50-60 ping to the east coast. I could tell when I was on the kansas dedi before even getting the duma due to the in game ping bar which was like 48-52 which while not horrible it is enough where you will lose plenty of fights that you should have won. So I set my geo circle to exclude those and just take more time waiting on p2p games in my area... I would kill for them to add a chicago dedi

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There is a Chicago dedicated server.


However, the quality is less than optimal because the ISP it's on throttles bandwidth during the evening. I can tell because the ping jumps tremendously high... Highest of any dedicated server in the country at certain times of the night (CST). Also, it's one of the "anybody from anywhere can play" server and I often see a lot of South American names and clan tags playing with two, yellow bar connections...

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The ones that have been confirmed by myself and others...



-San Francisco

-Los Angeles

-Kansas City










Michigan and Wisconsin may only be hosts, but they show up enough and I can't rate them, but I am not 100% sure.


The KC one is a server farm which is why it has multiple IDs in the Netduma

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Guess I need to go get a job in kansas city seems like a godmode city to live in for gaming.


And Hell for everything else (except BBQ and biscuits/cornbread)..... LOL :D

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Yes sir. I tried it by myself and with a full party of 6, who all live within 25 miles of me. We just sit there forever or sometimes it ends up booting me out.


Have you added them all to your allow list? 


Which such a big party the game may be trying to match you up with a similar sized group - restricting who you can play with, then using the duma to restrict can slow down the search even more. 


If you're not the host don't have the filter on. I would make sure you have at least a 1000km/650miles or so radius

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Yea that's true which really sucks for people like me that live right in the middle of them. I'm 50 ping to Kansas and like 50-60 ping to the east coast. I could tell when I was on the kansas dedi before even getting the duma due to the in game ping bar which was like 48-52 which while not horrible it is enough where you will lose plenty of fights that you should have won. So I set my geo circle to exclude those and just take more time waiting on p2p games in my area... I would kill for them to add a chicago dedi

Yeah there is a whole bank of dedi's in Illinois/Gary,Indiana they are 80 actual miles from my house.


If you wanna pick them up just make sure your GF covers Illinois and set your PA to zero and have strict mode ticked and you'll catch them...most of them will start with...4f6c

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