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Netduma wifi settings will not save

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My netduma as of 3 days ago is inoperable. The wifi feature will not broadcast the ssid nor will the LAN work for the Ethernet cable. Will not save my information I input then click apply. It refresh and delete all information and switch back to disabled. Making my netduma paper weight. I'm on version 1.03.4. I tried updating to 1.03.5 but I get exitcode: 2

I've used google chrome and Firefox. Also enabled cookies to save the settings but nothing works. I have to use my crappy netgear gaming router now.

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My netduma as of 3 days ago is inoperable. The wifi feature will not broadcast the ssid nor will the LAN work for the Ethernet cable. Will not save my information I input then click apply. It refresh and delete all information and switch back to disabled. Making my netduma paper weight. I'm on version 1.03.4. I tried updating to 1.03.5 but I get exitcode: 2

I've used google chrome and Firefox. Also enabled cookies to save the settings but nothing works. I have to use my crappy netgear gaming router now.

Try a hard reset by pressing the reset button in the small hole on the router.

When you do , you MAY not be able to connect to the LAN ( so if you're unable to , try http://r1/


After you hard reset , go to your upgrade screen , go to 'advanced', remove 'keep settings' and attempt to upgrade to 1.03.5m

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  • Netduma Staff

I've tried that numerous of times. I use google chrome as my default browser. I even factory reset my laptop. It doenst save my information I input to enable wifi.


Have you tried rebooting the router since getting the exit code 2 error?

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If I can resolve the issue with my netduma saving me wifi settings I input to broadcast a wifi signal. I'll be happy camper. After I click apply it switches from enabled to disabled. Making the wifi/LAN ports inoperable. Rebooting and clicking the reset button doesn't fix the issue. I've read other similar post titled "Netduma not working" with no end results to fix the issue.

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  • Netduma Staff

If I can resolve the issue with my netduma saving me wifi settings I input to broadcast a wifi signal. I'll be happy camper. After I click apply it switches from enabled to disabled. Making the wifi/LAN ports inoperable. Rebooting and clicking the reset button doesn't fix the issue. I've read other similar post titled "Netduma not working" with no end results to fix the issue.


Can you come into the chat room? :) I think I saw the post you are referring to (the one you posted in?) and it is possible that was sorted via PM.

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  • Netduma Staff

I saw a thread where someone said they had to get a replacement router for a similar problem and MrHaywood couldn't stick around in chat until a couple of hours. So I suggested PMing Fraser for a 1on1 might be better :)

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