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Geo-Filter issue/question

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Hey Guys,


It seems like, no matter where I drop my home pin, I always connect to the dedicated servers in New York when playing Black Ops 3.  I'm located in North Carolina, about 500 miles away from NY, and I have my geo-filter set to about 360 miles.  Here are the setups I've tried, with the distance filter always set to 360 miles:


45ms Ping Assist, Home set 500 Miles away, Strict Mode On and Off

0ms Ping Assist, Home set 500 Miles away, Strict Mode On and Off

45ms Ping Assist, Home set 800 Miles away, Strict Mode On and Off

0ms Ping Assist, Home set 800 Miles away, Strict Mode On and Off


Then I got crazy and set my home in California (about 2500 miles away) with Ping Assist at 35ms and Strict Mode On then Off!


Every single one of these settings gave me a host in New York.  Every time.  Does anyone know what I can do to stop connecting to NY?


I've tried blacklisting the servers, but I blacklisted around 10 of them and was still connecting to more dedicated servers in NY, even from California.  I tried rebooting the router and modem, too, but no luck. 


Edit: BTW, the reason I'm trying to not connect to NY is because I seem to be almost a full second behind everyone I get in a gun fight with.  I see the kill cams and I shoot one or two shots but, in real time, I actually shot 7-8 bullets.  It's really annoying.  Also, there always seem to be 3-5 people out of the 11 others in the lobby who are on a 3-bar connection.  I know there is nothing I can do about that, but I was hoping to end up on another host and maybe have better luck.


Here's an example of when I had my home in Florida and it was still connecting to New York:



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Hello, click here for the information on how to upgrade to the new firmware. The new firmware is optimized for BO3 better than the one your currently on.


After you update follow steps below:



Also there was a major cloud update when BO3 1st came out, so if you could go to Settings<Misc<Enable Bleeding Edge<Enable Auto Cloud< Press Update and Reboot. That should help as well.


New Verison is 1.03.5m

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Still having issues (see screenshots below).  It seems that no matter what I do, I always end up connecting to New Jersey/New York.  I was able to connect to a server in Texas once, but I think it was by accident.  I had some good games on that server (averaging 60ms PING) because everyone in the lobbies had 4 bars of connectivity.  When I play on the NJ/NY servers (avg 25ms PING), at least half the lobbies have 3 bars, which make my experience terrible.  I know that Treyarch is responsible for the matchmaking and the Duma won't keep me out of lobbies, but the Duma is supposed to let me pick where I want to connect to.


As I mentioned, I keep trying to connect to servers not in NJ/NY every time I play.  If I get put in a NY server, I will play the game, exit the game, then start it again in hopes to get another location.  It fails almost every time.  I've even tried placing my location in California and still end up with NY servers.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.






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It's because you have strict mode unticked.


I've tried it both ways, I just happened to take the two screenshots when it was unchecked.  Leaving the game, checking Strict, and then re-entering the game produces the same results.

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  • Netduma Staff

I've tried it both ways, I just happened to take the two screenshots when it was unchecked.  Leaving the game, checking Strict, and then re-entering the game produces the same results.


You need to wait about 2 mins of not been connected to the server for the GeoFilter to block it.

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Make sure PA is at 0 and strict is on. Then as Crossy says you should wait 2 minutes for the Geo-filter to clear so you don't get connected to the same server if you changed settings after a game.

OK, thx.  I'll try this next time.

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