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Best Modem?


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I can't tell you which one to get but I can tell you which one not to get. SB6183. Search the forums and you will see there is a bug with that modem and the R1.


Thank you Buck. Yes I see the issues the SB6183 has. I'm wondering if the SB6190 will have same issues. It just came out in Oct this year. 

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Well my ping is 30.... LOL about the gameplay...i am not a good player anyway but here is some.



That's good gameplay there. Great hit detection. 2-3 bullets for the kill. I think only 2 kills needed 4 bullets. Almost like you were playing Hardcore.  Wish my connection was like that. 


It still takes me around 4-6 bullets to kill and by then I'm dead LOL. My Ping is 23 and a steady connection but still need more bullets then I should need. 


Who's your ISP? 

I have DSL, Wondering if I should switch to Cable, get the SB6141? Maybe that would help Hit Detection.


Thanks willthetech

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Hi mate,


A modem can't make your ping lower. Only the ISP & a router can. The Netduma will eliminate the two main causes of large ping 1) congestion 2) distance. These are two factors you are not often aware of but are key to gaming ping.

I guess you're talking about speedtest ping. That is not very relevant to gaming but that is completely down to the ISP. So when it comes to picking a modem I'd suggest picking any other than the buggy ones :)


Happy Holidays

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