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Need help please! New user and nothing is saving/working

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Hello, so I just got my Netduma today and I've been really excited about it for a while now. I started out trying to connect it to my Netgear Nighthawk as well but shortly after just ran it straight through the Netduma and unhooked the nighthawk completely. I've followed every set of instructions I can find and I can't seem to get anything to save instantly or work for that matter. I have internet and I can still use the wifi and I use wired connection for my ps4. But when I enter everything on my homepage and set up my Geo range, it doesn't do anything. When I enter a public match or something on BO3 I don't see anything on the map (aka who I'm matched up against) like I'm supposed to. I did have to update to the latest version and thought that might have been it but it's still doing the same thing. It won't save my bandwidth and it's showing me pinging for any of my devices. Please help.

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Sounds like you have not set up the service for the console how to http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_getting_started

or you are using Internet Explorer please use chrome or firefox.


Tick enable cookies in misc settings, please read through the wiki guide it is a great source of information on the Netduma.



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Awesome, well if anything you have learned not to use the spy machine that internet explorer ;)


Mozilla firefox FTW :)


Now you have got you're answer i will close this post, if you have any other questions please make another post.

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