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Wireless Speed drop from normal after initial install of NETduma router

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I recieved the NETduma router today, day before Christmas and i cant tell you how excited i was. Who would of thought it would make it so quick when i only ordered it like 2/3 days ago, i mean for real, its the holidays, i expected it some time in January.  Awesome job, just saying, shipping needs a raise lol. 


OK now to the negative: 


I live in the Midwest of the United States, Chicago to be exact. I have a full family, in laws, kids, some dogs, and yes we all use multiple devices to access the wireless. With having so much traffic in home, and needing every one not to complain, i have always had decent wifi set up.


Normal download speeds are done today, with the whole family doing their normal activity i.e. streaming, surfing, upl/dling




after NETduma router install, wireless and only my macbook pro connected 





Im not  a novice with any technology, especially with networking, so i decided to take a crack at it. It didnt help. Now im here hoping some one in the community can help. Ill take any suggestion, no matter what it is, just to see if i missed anything, and yes i did read the instructions, but ill do it again if it helps.
Thank you 


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Hi Edin,


Welcome to the forum. Please can you try the speedtest using wired first. So we can make sure it's not a throughput issue. Does your speed reach the maximum then? If not please follow the start of this guide:


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Welcome to the forum and the duma family.


As stated above follow the guides and let us know how your doing with it.Lots of really great people on here to help you with your issues.

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome to the forum and the duma family.


As stated above follow the guides and let us know how your doing with it.Lots of really great people on here to help you with your issues.No 

No change, i am still getting the same 65mbs down as always, but what makes no sense,is when i hook up my old router to the netduma. 

My speeds are back on the old router hooked up to the netduma, but when wifi is connected to the netduma its half speed ;

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