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UPNP or Portforwarding (Black Ops 3)

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yep, works for me... and disable Upnp..


the Netduma working like a champ, played 10 matches of TDM tonight, 272 kills and a 4.53 kd those 10 matches... Yeah, I'd say things are working quite well..

Disabled UPnP in the Duma correct? Forwarded port rules also in the Duma?

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Disabled UPnP in the Duma correct? Forwarded port rules also in the Duma?


Yes, it seems like it works as I've been getting some good playing games. Also, been connecting to Cali servers with between 20ms and 30ms pings with great results. Before the port forwarding those servers in Cali sucked for me.

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Played about 8 games with these settings and it does seem a bit better. Some guns I was getting nothing but hitmakers, but the game seemed straight up. I really can't attest many deaths to lag. Just a few. Other than that everything seems legit.


Have you tried it with UPnP and port forwarding enabled?


I saw where you got those ports to open. I'm wondering why the UPnP on the Duma doesn't open those ports as well.


One last question and I think I know the answer, for these ports to be forwarded the Duma needs to be enabled correct?

I will enable UPnP if I play games on the PS3, or other games than COD on the PS4... and as Fraser said as long as you have them forwarded on The Netduma, they'll be open..the geo filter being enabled doesn't affect the ports..


I'm glad it's helping.. hopefully it'll help some more on here.. I'm not saying it's a fix for the game, but it has made the game play smoother..with a Little Help from the Netduma...LOL.. jk'ing

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  • 2 months later...

yep, works for me... and disable Upnp..


the Netduma working like a champ, played 10 matches of TDM tonight, 272 kills and a 4.53 kd those 10 matches... Yeah, I'd say things are working quite well..

what ports are you using for ps4?  bo3?  is it still working really well?

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First off, if I do this do I need to set up a static ip for the PS4?


When you input those into port forwarding, what ip address do you input at the bottom? The PS4 ip?

Try this   may help you.Also if you connect your console wired...try wireless!!!Set a static IP as the guide says and try wireless...my hit detection raised significantly.

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Try this may help you.Also if you connect your console wired...try wireless!!!Set a static IP as the guide says and try wireless...my hit detection raised significantly.

I am using my R1 as my primary router. Modem to R1 to devices. Can I still use your guide for porting?


My ps4 is hard wired and speed are 100mbs down 5 up.

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