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LAG a 33 minute video that can enlighten you about COD & LAG


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Playing COD WWII i encountered a lot of  "wow i should have beat that person to the shot there" . although i firmly believe you can sometimes fix lag, R1 will assist in that.. although it can only do so much when the video game developers introduce tools that involve lag compensation which ultimately determine your experience in game. even so for fps games. the developers design a system that tries to lower the skill gap between players that way the less experienced players can have a good game which in theory would keep them playing and buying dlc. this video will go into detail about some of the topics we discuss here frequently.



watch the video when you have some free time. it basically reiterated what i have an idea of regarding shooters & lag. and will most likely enlighten those of you who are interested in understanding why a player "sees" you first before you see them.



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I miss quoted it was 40 some



It does feel quicker to me, of course any of these YTbers could be wrong.


Interesting video... I read it wrong when you first wrote it. 40 ms input delay, but that's to when you press a button until the action happens on your screen. But what about engine latency? That's the big issue with the cod engine lately, the engine latency is so high that you get shoot first, die first or duck behind cover and you still die. That's a big deal, and the only way to test that is with split screen.


In comparison, I have 4ms input delay on PC using my DS4 controller. When I switched back to PS4, it was literally unplayable lol.


Bottom line is, no in game ping number=laggy ass game. We don't want bars, they're useless. There's a reason they hid it in AW and there's a reason they're hiding it now. It's just AW in classic mode with a WW2 skin over top. If you pay attention when you throw a grenade, it even had the same weird delay that AW had.

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Interesting video... I read it wrong when you first wrote it. 40 ms input delay, but that's to when you press a button until the action happens on your screen. But what about engine latency? That's the big issue with the cod engine lately, the engine latency is so high that you get shoot first, die first or duck behind cover and you still die. That's a big deal, and the only way to test that is with split screen.


In comparison, I have 4ms input delay on PC using my DS4 controller. When I switched back to PS4, it was literally unplayable lol.


Bottom line is, no in game ping number=laggy ass game. We don't want bars, they're useless. There's a reason they hid it in AW and there's a reason they're hiding it now. It's just AW in classic mode with a WW2 skin over top. If you pay attention when you throw a grenade, it even had the same weird delay that AW had.

Ah yeah ive listened to him again and he is quoting his screen input lag I thought he was quoting in engine input delay, my bad.


He goes into great detail about graphics etc in his video's he is a very knowledgeable man.

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Ah yeah ive listened to him again and he is quoting his screen input lag I thought he was quoting in engine input delay, my bad.


Button press to action on screen... which is nice to have low, but on a console you're limited to how low you can go. Plus adding the adaptive AA and vsync just add to that delay. I know on PS4 turning on vsync in rocket league adds a good 100ms of input delay.


That's why I'd rather have true 1080p with no AA and no vsync and get 400 FPS lol

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WWII has around 30ms of local input lag.

i believe this, AW never felt directly instant when shooting shots. it also felt like it compensated for peoples connections a lot even though i was on a dedicated server literally down the street. Sledgehammer is amongst those looking for equal skill gap within their game.. i always felt like i got cheated in WWII. as well as AW. though in AW my dodge movement is very decent allowing me to avoid the "they seen me first when on my screen i fired my weapon first" situation. this is the thing i enjoyed very much about AW.... but i digress 

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