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Distance Lag

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Hello , i wonder if the netduma work really sometimes ... , on the geo filter nothing appears except the dedi server , and 1or 2 players , but the rest of it doesn't seem to be on it and in my game they are a lot of people in 3 barre and they bullshit me all the time its annoying 

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Hello , i wonder if the netduma work really sometimes ... , on the geo filter nothing appears except the dedi server , and 1or 2 players , but the rest of it doesn't seem to be on it and in my game they are a lot of people in 3 barre and they bullshit me all the time its annoying

That is the game. There are a ton of people either with bad internet connections or people from far away who are being funneled into the server you are playing off of in your geo filter. Soon I am sure that 3arch will fix the matchmaking.


I say this because I live in California and sometimes early morning when I game I get people from Japan. If I do not want to play these kind of lobbies I move my home location away from my home state to a different location and different server.


Also before I start up my PS4 I go to Miscellaneous settings and untick Bleeding Edge and untick Enable Cloud and hit apply. Then I reclick Enable Cloud and Bleeding Edge and hit apply again. This for me refreshes the servers available and I get into a game right away. Just a thought.

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