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New router with the netduma

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I've been having trouble with BO3 so I just decided to use my night hawk instead of the Duma and my night hawk took a crap on me so I bought an Asus and have been using that fine. I decided to give the Duma another shot and I can't connect to the Internet it keeps giving an Asus error screen saying the Ethernet cable isn't connected when clicking on the Duma wifi

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  • Netduma Staff

Changed the setting reset everything, no luck..I don't have wifi on the Asus now


Disable Wifi on the Netduma and can you make sure you have Wifi enabled on the Asus. You should definitely be able to get Wifi if it is in AP mode :)

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  • Netduma Staff

It's lan to lan the dumas wifi is fine just nothing coming from the Asus and with no wifi from the Asus I can't get to the router interface


As Buck said, plug an ethernet cable into the Asus then you should be able to access it :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Got it started working. One last question on my host filtering page my xbox now says nameless device and isn't finding people any ideas?


Go to Device manager, click edit, match the IPs showing on there to the IPs of your xbox, rename this device then add it to your GeoFilter :)

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