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I live in los angeles california and I am willing to test out features and help in the forums.


I am not one you have to worry about not giving proper feedback, I paid for this myself so I'm invested in it.


Just to throw it out there I am very active online and a big contributer on androidcentral.com where I got the LG G4 to test before release.


So just like you want trusty testers in the UK, you will want trusty testers in the US.


I am that person.

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Hey thanks for being interested in doing this! I've got the LG G3, is the G4 any good?


We do have some US testers currently, such as Buck, Fuzzy etc. Just keep being active and helpful throughout the forum and in future when we look for more testers I'm sure your name will come up :)

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Thank you for the chance, I have the G3 also and they are both great phones although I had to send my G3 in twice for replacement.

The G4 on the other hand is a complete beast, just make sure to get the International H815 variant which is unlocked and has no carrier bloat or CIQ.

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You're welcome! 


Did your G3 start running pretty slow after about 6 months or so? My one sometimes goes in what I like to call "silly mode". I'll be listening to music and then I'll move slightly and songs will skip continuously, as you can imagine it's a super fun experience when walking!


Hmm probably wouldn't have looked into it, may have a look though I imagine when my existing contract is up there will be something else out there

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The issues I had with my G3 were severe overeating not so much lag though maybe just a little.


I dont know if I will get another phone for as long as I can unless a phone has all the features I want.


Like AMOLED sscreen, removable battery, sd card and dual facing speakers.

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