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2 consoles on netduma

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if its 2 different consoles (Xbox, PS4), I have no issues. It's when I'm running 2 of the same console (PS4) at the same time playing the same game is when I run into NAT issues. One will be open, the other will be on strict or moderate. Whatever logs onto BO3 first, will be open.

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It would be some sort of port forwarding I'm sure. I suspect the game reports an incorrect NAT


I have the same issue. My PS4 has Open NAT, but my wife and my son's PS4s are both Moderate. Nothing I've tried has seemed to help.


I am pretty sure I had the same issue with AW, but it's been awhile since I played AW. I had a similar problem with Ghosts before Netduma, but that turned out to be a problem with mixing manual port forwarding and UPnP with Linux IGD I believe. Just using UPnP with Linux IGD on my homegrown Linux router / firewall worked just fine.


What seems to be happening is the first PS4 to connect gets port 3074/UDP forwarded via UPnP and Open NAT. The 2nd or 3rd (or more) PS4s get a port opened, but still show Moderate NAT. Whether that is a router bug or game bug is unknown. The next connection that PS4 gets ANOTHER random port opened, and still Moderate NAT. The only way for other PS4s to get Open NAT is to reboot the Netduma, clearing the UPnP forwardings, and then the original Open PS4 becomes Moderate.


I can't tell if this is just a display problem in the game (it's really Open, but reporting as Moderate) or if there really are connectivity problems and the Moderate PS4 doesn't get as good of a connection. I can still play with my wife while she's Moderate.


Below is a screenshot from my UPnP settings showing the port mappings.


Let me know if there's anything I can do to help test.



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