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Moving home, still connecting to the same servers

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It seems that no matter where I move my home to I get connected to the same servers. I live in EU and get connected to EU host and servers (This is a good thing). But there are times where I wish I could matchup with people from outside EU. Moving my home to abroad, increasing PA, strict mode ticked or unticked have no effect. 

The game i'm currently playing is PS4 Cod Ghost. 

I'm wired connected like this:

Modem--Asus router--NedumaR1--Powerline--PS4

I have followed to the optimal setting guide but experimented with having bleeding edge cloud enabled, strict mode on/off.


Is my Geo-filter broken or am I doing something wrong? 


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because you are using ping assist. those host are find because of ping assist enable strict mode keep the auto cloud and bleeding edge ticked that wait at lest 2 min and search for a game

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  • Netduma Staff

Thank you Crossy and Lukasz. This fixed it. I should have repeated how PA works, sorry for that lol  :)


No problem mate :) As this is sorted I'll close the thread - feel free to make another if you have any more problems!

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