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HELP...keep connecting to bad host

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I keep getting connected to a host that plays very bad for me.  The host is within my geo limit and I have given the host the lowest rating, but yet time and time again I get connected to this host.  When I trace the host, the trace goes all the way to the west coast of america and I am in the UK.


what can I do to prevent being connected to this host.







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Is there an update button when you click the host? If there isn't then you can't block is using the block feature. The only other thing that you can do is move your home location to avoid it.


There is no update button, so do I have to move my location and why cant i block the host?



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  • Netduma Staff

There is no update button, so do I have to move my location and why cant i block the host?




Yeah, you will have to move your home location to avoid it and you can't block it because the Netduma doesn't allow you to block dedicated servers :)

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There is no update button, so do I have to move my location and why cant i block the host?



Yup if there's no update button your on a dedi.It helped me once I found this out to pay more attention to the hosts (servers) and if I was constantly getting the same crappy dedi move my home location.And pay attention to where they are located so you'll know where to move to avoid them and how big you can make your GF

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