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Slower speeds through netduma.

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I got my netduma a few weeks back, connected everything and set up as per the instructions, running the latest version and it was great.


The last few days have been very laggy online (PS4 cod:ghosts) so I did a speed test and found I was only getting 10 down 6 up through the netduma but getting 29 down and 10 up through my sky fibre.


I connect through wireless as it's impractical for me to use ethernet, can anyone offer any advice?



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It maybe that a neighbour has started using the same channel as you, try a Wifi Analyzer


Gaming should never be played over Wifi because of packet loss, Ethernet or Ethernet to PLA adaptors the former being the best for yourself and other gamers in your lobby.

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Thanks zennon.

I've looked on wifi analyzer and it suggests to change to channel 14 but I don't know how to go about changing it, is this is netduma settings?


Also does this explain the big difference in speeds between the 2 routers?


Thanks again.

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In the Netduma's GUI (Webpage) go to  Settings / Wifi there you can change the channel.


Also do you have your isp' routers Wifi turned off ? you must so not to get crossover causing issues.

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Off the top of my head I'm not sure if you can go up to channel 14 - I may be wrong, I can't check currently, but if you can't choose the next best one, make sure you've got the sliders at 100% and you should reach those speeds on wifi. 

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