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Ping Issue

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hey guys, for several days now i have ping issues, ill explain it in more detail as thats needed


my regular ping is usually 30 +/-1

however the more i use the internet over the day and especially the more bandwidth i use my ping climbs more and more with up to 120 +/- 100

when i boot up the PC in the morning and no one used the connection before im on the base 30 ping again


things ive testet:

- tested with .6 and then upgraded to .7 but result is the same

- R1 diagnosis shows good ping (~24) with everything else exeptional even after long and bandwidth-intense useage

- restarting the modem (no difference, same ping as before)

- restarting the R1 via browser button "settings - miscellaneous - restart" (no difference, same ping as before)

- unplugging and replugging the R1 (DOES make a diffence, back to basis 30 ping)

- using my old router again, constant 30 ping no matter what im doing

- testing several pingtest-sites to be sure

- tested my ping on several teamspeak servers and im the only one with such a high ping

- tested on a different PC but same result



further infos:

i use PPPoE with a modem infront of the R1

in .6 i was one of the few people that had pings of up to 300 when the UPnP showed 30 entries after around a week of no reset

i had to reset the R1 each week to get my ping down for the next few days

(further explanation see wice topic from a few weeks ago)

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what ive tried:


- ping info on several teamspeaks in europe

- ping sites like speedtest or wieistmeineip (german site)

- ping homepages or other stuff via windows console

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Oh right its simple mate, you need to use congestion control to stop bandwidth usage increasing your ping. I recommend setting your anti-flood to 70% each way :)


If you're running torrents make sure you disable utp :)

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i already have congestion control activated

download is at 90% capped and upload at 70%


thought its enough on a 16mbit 1mbit up connection

1,6 mbits down for gaming

0,3 mbits up for gaming


would you recommend me to set a higher cap? :)

i assume the small download cap could be the droublemaker as my ping rises when watching streams or downloading the most?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

As a computer scientist I would suggest you do this. Set them both to 50%, if you're still lagging then set it to 25%. If you're not lagging set it to 75%. Keep adding or reducing a half of what you did till you reach the optimum point. Does that make sense?

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yes, but doesnt that reduce my connection to just 25%?

so far i thought the cap channels my connection, one piece of the cake goes to the gaming devices and the other half is for any non gaming devices

when i run a pingtest while watching twitch via PC im basically on a gaming device no?


also as i said i have no issues with my old router while doing the same


sorry to be pesky Iain, i think my main issue is that im not fully aware of what the download and upload cap actually does in my scenario :)

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okay so im on 30% and 30% cap now and still my ping goes 100 +/-100 when i am playing Xbox One (MCC) and a twitch stream is running on the PC meanwhile to bridge the matchmaking time

i could go lower, but i doubt this will change anyhting

base ping was 30 before when i set 30%



the other congestion controls are also in favour of the Xbox One

shared excess ticked, 3 devices active

6% to the phone

47% to the PC

47% to the Xbox One

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Guest Netduma_Iain

can you run a ping to Google to keep it consistent, so ping


Also when the pings rise what happens when you run "Internet Diagnosis"? 

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25ms to just like with the internet diagnosis



Iain i just found out something very important

its not my twitch stream or download that increases my ping but my Xbox One


as soon as i start my Xbox One and i go into a matchmaking my ping goes high

when i shut down the Xbox One im back to 30, i can even start downloads and twitch streams and i stay on 30

this would also explain for why my internet diagnosis shows 25ms with the R1

the ping was also done when the Xbox One was off


i will futher investigate this now within the next minutes to see if it happens solely by loggin into XBL or if i need to start a matchmaking process to increase my ping

i will also ping when my Xbox One is on and my ping is high, response in a few minutes


will shut down modem and router again now just to see if it helps

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yes, ping is the same as long as im on the dashboard or in the matchmaking process

however as soon as the game starts my ping is climbing, no matter if im host or not (Halo MCC)

the ping also wont decrese after the first game anymore, i need to shut down the Xbox One in order to get the ping (almost instantly!) to 30 again


i can even tell in the game that my ping is high as some of my bullets arent registered (shooting on an AFK player)

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ok ive tested it 3 times now


- turn xbox on, start MCC, start a playlist search ---> ping still 30

- lobby found, loading screen of the map comes up ---> ping still 30

- game actually runs, ping goes to 100+ within 2 seconds into the game

- quitting out of the game or even closing the whole game application, staying on dashboard or game menu for 10 minutes, ping still 100+

- i shut down the Xbox completely, ping instantly goes to 30 the moment the Xbox One is completely off


i sadly dont have more games for my Xbox to try, just MCC

could this be because of the incompatibility of the geo filter with the MCC?

hosts dont vanish from the map after a game is done if i recall correctly

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Guest Netduma_Iain

This is really strange Od1n but well done for pinpointing the issue location. Can you disable your geo-filter jump in a game and see if the pings stop rising. Thanks

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It is not going to help, but I don't have the issue with xbox one and MCC.


It's also the only game I have so I would've noticed plus it is not unusual for me to have a constant ping to bbc.co.uk running in terminal (cos I'm sad lol).

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Oh right its simple mate, you need to use congestion control to stop bandwidth usage increasing your ping. I recommend setting your anti-flood to 70% each way :)


If you're running torrents make sure you disable utp :)

what is utp, and how can you disable it?
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all right ive deactivated the geo-filter (via enable button)

issue is still the same, not any different


to hear that Buds doesnt have it is great, means my issue should be solveable






Only you would say that, now back to Od1n so I don't get slapped for going OT :)





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