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keeps disconnecting

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no.. i guess i shouldnt say it disconnects my internet just stops working completely 

ive talked to my isp and they said theres no issues with my modem or anyting on there side :\

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I had the same issue with my previous modem.  It was a Motorola/Arris SB6183.  It would disconnect the same way you are describing yours and the only fix was to reboot the modem.  You never knew when it would happen either.  Iain says it is due to the EEE (energy efficient ethernet) aspect of these modems.  I did not major in computer science so I do not know what that all means. But what I can say is Iain is trying to disable EEE for these dodgy modems by implementing a workaround in the Netduma router. I must reiterate though its a bug with the modem not the routerThis fix should be out with the next update that is released.  

I ended up getting rid of mine and getting a Netgear CM500.  But this is not necessary if you do not mind waiting.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  

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Yea rebooting the modem works but not for long usually I must say it worked for 2 months fine and just now it started this if that matters


I'd try a different ethernet between the duma and ISP hub, it may be what Buck says above in which case its being fixed imminently

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I'd try a different ethernet between the duma and ISP hub, it may be what Buck says above in which case its being fixed imminently

i have 2 ethernets in diff ports and few things on wifi and all go down at same time


btw been directly to modem and no issues 

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Can you make sure you've got IPv6 disabled from misc, wan and lan as well please

i didnt have ipv6 disabled and i dont see lan in the misc tab but i pluggged my netduma in again last night in diff ports and hasnt disconnected all day :o

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i didnt have ipv6 disabled and i dont see lan in the misc tab but i pluggged my netduma in again last night in diff ports and hasnt disconnected all day :o


Awesome to hear that :D I'll close this thread for now, if it happens again just PM me and I'll reopen it for you :)

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