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ever since the taken king update has come out I'm getting the beaver disconnect when ever I try and play any crucible, if I have strict mode on and if I do get into a game the lag is horrible, 


But as soon as I turn off strict it lets me into game but again the lag his crap.  Ive followed the set up guides for the Duma and also the ones for Destiny but it's now starting to ruin my mood while playing.

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ever since the taken king update has come out I'm getting the beaver disconnect when ever I try and play any crucible, if I have strict mode on and if I do get into a game the lag is horrible, 


But as soon as I turn off strict it lets me into game but again the lag his crap.  Ive followed the set up guides for the Duma and also the ones for Destiny but it's now starting to ruin my mood while playing.


Hey Ace, have you tried moving your home location around and experimenting with your radius?

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