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Well updated to 7 and no matter what I do having the worse games I have ever had. Tried using ping assist and didn't work. Strict mode on 1000 miles pa set at 40 and nothing but terrible lag. Strict mode off bad lag congestion control at 70 and dis tribution at 100% on Xbox lag nothing under 80 ping with terrible spikes up to 500. My internet is good not awesome but always had avg to great games. I have played good games on the duma but not now. And something strange under VPN which I never use under provider it says hide my ass???

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Teh1,


Its a bit late, but I'll try to help before I sleep :)


It sounds like you have a problem with your Internet. Can you run the test in Internet Diagnosis please then post the result back here. Finally if you don't like ping assist set it back to 0 and it will behave like older versions of the Duma. 


Hope that helps buddy

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Well updated to 7 and no matter what I do having the worse games I have ever had. Tried using ping assist and didn't work. Strict mode on 1000 miles pa set at 40 and nothing but terrible lag. Strict mode off bad lag congestion control at 70 and dis tribution at 100% on Xbox lag nothing under 80 ping with terrible spikes up to 500. My internet is good not awesome but always had avg to great games. I have played good games on the duma but not now. And something strange under VPN which I never use under provider it says hide my ass???

Also XBLive is having all sorts of issues this weekend with lots of people unable to conenct, as a result player pools are lower and the knock on of that is laggier games and degradation of service.

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Well updated to 7 and no matter what I do having the worse games I have ever had. Tried using ping assist and didn't work. Strict mode on 1000 miles pa set at 40 and nothing but terrible lag. Strict mode off bad lag congestion control at 70 and dis tribution at 100% on Xbox lag nothing under 80 ping with terrible spikes up to 500. My internet is good not awesome but always had avg to great games. I have played good games on the duma but not now. And something strange under VPN which I never use under provider it says hide my ass???

Same thing is happening to me. Played great games all this week. Hell, I'm even getting in matches with pings around 8ms - 12ms, but I'm spiking in every gun battle and losing. I have a strong feeling it's not the R1's fault. But very frustrating none the less. I am running .6. picked a great time to go to shit as clan wars is now. smh.

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As already covered, it seems XBL is having all manor of problems again.


I know you said the connection test was fine, but was the test completed at same time as the problems? Are you connecting to a player host or dedicated server which is causing the problems?

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I think the main problem is I just don't know what everything means. When I had strict mode off it founds games inside my radius no problem. Then one match I decided to turn it on and it connected me to the server in seattle?? So I just turned it off. Only thing I don't lime is not being able to block dedis. It kept connecting me to one in my radius but I was pinging 100 and could tell a difference in game play. But over all the two hours of gameplay today was great.

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Teh1 you are from UK if I remember correctly? Apologies if mistaken.


I think your issue is as you say you are not fully understanding what each element of the geo-filter allows you to do.


1) Strict mode on: if strict mode is on (and ping assist off) then you will only be able to connect to a game within your geo-filter radius. This goes for dedicated servers or player hosts


2)Strict mode off: if strict mode is off the game may match you into a dedicated server outside your preferred geo-filter radius


3) Ping assist: ping assist is designed to find games with hosts within your desired ping tolerance. This may mean it will connect you to a game appearing in Seattle (however this is just an incorrect location) or it may find a host outside your geo-filter with really good peering and therefore there ping is nice and low.


4) Congestion control: I will assume you know what this is. But would comment that perhaps setting at 50% whilst also experimenting with other issues means you can't be sure which actually helped. Always good when troubleshooting to only change one variable at a time. 

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I'm actually from Ky lol. I understand everything except the ping assit. I know what it is supposed to do but it doesn't do it. When I tturn it on it never finds ping at what I have it set at. And when I had strict on it was taking me outside my filter but I also had PA on so that probably had something to do with it. Just seems like I need to find a good combo that works for me. I can never get my ping under 40 but I'm more than happy with that.

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I also understand that PA didn't find what you set it at. But I set it at 30 and couldn't find nothing under 80. Also the one time I turned strict off and got the server in Seattle PA was on but set at zero. I set it at zero the whole time I played.

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Sorry for the mistaken location :)


It sounds like your PA and strict are working in reverse. You know how they are meant to work but they are not working correctly.


Have you tried re-booting the netduma since the problem manifested itself? I'm afraid given the issue you have described will necessitate one of the Netduma team to help. Geo-filter with strict on should never ever connect to a server outside the set radius.

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Guest Netduma Luke

Yeah I rebooted yesterday. That's what was confusing me. I thought I knew how it worked but its not.


Forgive the silly question, but have you definitely got your service set to Xbox Live PA or Playstation Network PA?


Try hard refreshing (ctrl + F5 on Windows) the page to make sure you can check everything is set as you planned.


If you have strict mode and you're connecting to a dedicated server outside the range and you're not being booted then I can only think that its ip address has been mistakenly white listed. Is it appearing as the largest circle during a game?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Teh1 if you can just hold on a day we are in the process of documenting the router including the new .7 Geo-filter features.

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