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Sent out U.S. Version instead of UK

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  • Netduma Staff

will Fraser or Luke reply to me via here or do I have to get in contact with them some other way?



One of them should reply here for you :) They'll probably ask you for your order number so you might want to post that here or if you'd prefer to keep it private you could PM it to one of them.

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will Fraser or Luke reply to me via here or do I have to get in contact with them some other way?

Fraser is active here almost everyday and I suspect will be along shortly to help get you squared away.

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Thanks Dillinger.

Yeah cheers - 


I don't know about over there, but here in the states we can pick up a voltage converter US to EU at local hardware shops.  Do you have anything like that over there?  If so, you could give it a try while you are waiting for the correct cable/router

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