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has something changed ?

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new firmware strict off radius set to 330km

i also noticed that whilst playing blacklight theres no info shown no host no connection nothing lol

a mate has just asked me "iv not heard you singing its praises why is this ?"

my reply is i just dont know as i used to get all uk lobbies and that was an improvement and now ..........i dont im getting everyone again so the lag is back , i would compair my cod games but that wouldnt be fair as i stopped playing cod as much when destiny came out so i cant say i was getting x amount of kills before and with the r1 im getting x amount.


but here is an example or two




i hit someone kill them and then i die the person that has killed me is the person i shot and killed the game then awards me a kill and a headshot award some 4 seconds after the original kill.


cod aw


disclaimer here as yes i know this is a terrible terrible game its so bad im really thinking of getting ghosts as i had no problems with that .


im sat in aw with a sniper rifle then im sniped a 1 shot kill i watch the kill cam the guy has ran into the area im covering swapped to his sniper and killed me and i didnt even see him coming in even though he ran through my sight line at least once to get to me then stopped right infront of me swapped his guns and killed me and i wasnt hard scoping at the time.


normally id laugh it off and swear at the game but i bought a specialized router to sort this stuff out and yes i know it took about 2 weeks to get my R1 connected and the top dog had to be brought in (he might swear when he hears im back posting again lol) so i need your help as i think somethings changed as i said before all uk lobbies now its all mixed.


btw before the firmware update i tried strict didnt get booted once but the game seemed worse if i remem right i did post about this earlier in the thread.


once again thanks for your help/advice/time and effort and patience in getting to the end of this post :lol:

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