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General questions about some settings and interface

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Hi guys,


I have successfully set up the Netduma in the exact setup that I want. I have a great internet connection and the host filtering made sure I was connected to hosts near me. Have been playing some CoD:AW games just now with pings ranging between 4 and 8 ms according to the ping graph.


I do have some general questions.


Anti flood

I did the whole setup to get the best speed out of my connection. Managed to get 130 down and 120 up. Which, as I understand correctly, is the max at this moment as the Netduma is the bottleneck if my ISP provides more.


One thing that I was wondering about was Download and Upload Caps. In the wiki manual a setting around 60-70% is mentioned. But is this also true with above average bandwidth? Setting it to 70% makes a lot of difference in absolute unused bandwidth if you have 130/120 down/up as compared to 20/4 down/up.


Is it still good to block around a quarter to a third of the bandwidth or would you set it up differently? If it's still best to keep it like this, what is the reasoning behind it?


Device prioritisation

I only gave my PS4 more priority over the rest. What happens if we use a lot of bandwidth with multiple devices at the same time? Say for example; somebody watching Netflix and downloading a torrent, my NAS downloading from newsgroups, Macbook doing a scheduled backup to the cloud and me playing a multiplayer game on the PS4.


As my PS4 gets priority, will it just prioritise a piece of that 70% of the capped traffic or will it also use the unused part that was capped as a backup?


Network monitor

More of a feature request than a real question. Would it be able to show the device name when you hover over the graphs? I'm colourblind and the graph gives me no clue as to what device is responsible for any area I see.


Device manager

In the device manager I see red lines. What exactly do they mean?


Port forwarding

I'm used to setting up port forwarding for the PS4 and the game specific ports. Is this still necessary (or can it help)?



Is it in any way necessary for any of the settings to their best ability to assign reserved hosts?


Thanks for taking the time! And if any question is already answered, feel free to only point me to the link in the manual or something.


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Hello there buddy i will answer you question in order.


1. Frist net duma is not bottel neck the softawre dosent suport such grate input speed just now but there is a update that will allow you to use up to 1 gb speeds but


that update is not out yet.


Now about the antifload sure what ever you reserv had to be measure by you internet speed as well as you setup. What happens with that reserve bandwith is that it will stay unused to absorbe any big traifc of data etc. So keep that in mind and look for your sweet spot.


2. So the device prioritization applys only to upload speeds not downloads. Yes you are sharing that 70% betwen devices. Now if you keep your ps4 with more on there then remeber to keep share execs ticked that way ps4 will take all that needs and then share the rest of that % that you gave it in device prioritization.


3.you can see the by colours in the top of monitor you have all the devices connected and every device had a colour so you can see it on the graph.


4. I dont quite understand that one maybe a screen shoot? I only think i can think of is that lines means wired conected devices and the doted line a wireless one but again i dont know if we talki about this same thing so a screen shoot qill be good.


4. Now if you keep upnp ticked then all the port forwarding will be done automatically. How every some people go with port forwarding and it works to. I personaly use upnp.


5. Again i dont understand this question.

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Hi lukasz,


Thanks for taking the time to answer! Just have a few more questions/additions.


1. Frist net duma is not bottel neck the softawre dosent suport such grate input speed just now but there is a update that will allow you to use up to 1 gb speeds but
that update is not out yet.


We mean the same thing. At this moment the Netduma is the only device in my network that prevents me from getting the maximum speed available to me. But not to worry, I was aware of this before I bought it.


Now about the antifload sure what ever you reserv had to be measure by you internet speed as well as you setup. What happens with that reserve bandwith is that it will stay unused to absorbe any big traifc of data etc. So keep that in mind and look for your sweet spot.



I think what I'm asking is wether there is a sweet spot in terms of absolute bandwidth as opposed to relative (percentage). Setting it to 70% on a 20/20 down/up connection essentially reserves 6 down/up for spikes. Setting it to 70% on my connection reserves 36 down/up for spikes. My ISP offers 500/500 which would reserve 150 on 70%. That seems overkill. I will play with it myself but if anybody has found the sweet spot on a comparable connection then I'm interested to hear about it of course.

2. So the device prioritization applys only to upload speeds not downloads. Yes you are sharing that 70% betwen devices. Now if you keep your ps4 with more on there then remeber to keep share execs ticked that way ps4 will take all that needs and then share the rest of that % that you gave it in device prioritization.





3.you can see the by colours in the top of monitor you have all the devices connected and every device had a colour so you can see it on the graph.



Yes, it's stacked area graph and the list of devices above it is a legend in itself. However, I'm colourblind. I have various deficits with their own level of severity. If you look at the graph you would see a bunch of colours and then look that colour up in the list of devices. But I can't make the distinction between a lot of colours and just see shades of the same colour. Comparing the list of devices and the graph is just a big colourful mess to me. What would help me would be some sort of tool tip kind of mouse hover. Put your mouse over the coloured area in the graph that you would want to identify and show the device name in the tool tip. Just a suggestion but would help me a lot. Right now what I would have to do is disable the devices to be included in the graph one by one until I find the culprit (or the other way around).


4. I dont quite understand that one maybe a screen shoot? I only think i can think of is that lines means wired conected devices and the doted line a wireless one but again i dont know if we talki about this same thing so a screen shoot qill be good.



Sony has lists of ports you can forward to prevent any issues. In turn some games also have additional ports that you can forward (Activision provides those for CoD games for example). This makes sure the ports are always open and the router always knows to which devices they should point. Does the Netduma already take care of this on it's own or would it still be a good advice to set it up manually?

4. Now if you keep upnp ticked then all the port forwarding will be done automatically. How every some people go with port forwarding and it works to. I personaly use upnp.


Anywho, my PS4 has a Type 2 Open NAT which is exactly what I want so I'll just leave it be for now.


5. Again i dont understand this question. 



Just wondering about assigning static IPs to devices or not... For now everything works.


Again, thanks for taking the time to answer!

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1. Yebs soon you will be able to run around 900 mb connections via R1 so just need to be patience. Before that happens you can have a router in i front of netduma to run such speeds and keep R1 connected to gaming devices.



2. Yebs it seems  like 70 its the sweet spot for a lot of people. But again depending on you home congestion you have to consider how big usage there is. In my case for example i have 2 phones watching youtube and one laptop downloading while i game some on my 100 mb connection its resonalbe to have that 30 mb reserved as spikes can go up to 20 when 2 phones run some Full HD videos and the other guys is running some downloading.


3. Sure i am so sorry for that i didnt know that and i think that is a useful suggestion. Here is a sub forum where users suggest possible features so i recon you check if this wasent suggested if not please add it



4, That answer was to the red lines in device manager. ANd here i will repead my self about port forwarding

Now if you keep upnp ticked then all the port forwarding will be done automatically. How every some people go with port forwarding and it works to. I personaly use upnp.


5. Thats grate if Nat Is open thats done.


6. I had done that only when i was using TP Link and I was asiging statick IP sony when i wanted to Throttle speeds so i think this one is again deepending on the specific setup. So there fore not required.

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